Hi Guys,
I've been working hard on a project for the last 5 months which is due to launch at months end. In essence it is an around the clock advisory service for clients which will offer Bookkeeping, Tax Agent and Accounting advice. All professionals are screened for qualifications and insurance to ensure you are dealing with real professionals.
Anyone can use it and is designed to all enquiries no matter how big or small with the added benefit of around the clock availablity and in the comfort of your own space.
Leading up to launch date I need to do some Beta testing to ensure a smooth launch and wanted to put the call out to anyone who is either a registered Bookkeeper, Tax Agent or Accountant who would like to join this journey with me? Your input would be greatly appreciated to make this a quality service for all users.
In the long run, what are these professionals going to get in return for their time and money? Not having a dig, just interested to know your marketing plan to get the service populated and useful.
I'm none of the above by the way so can't help out.