Master storyteller, Les Pendleton, creates a riveting prophecy of Donald Trump’s first days as President of the United States. An angry America elected Donald Trump President. He vowed to do what no American President in modern history seemed to be capable of — to unite the country and make it great again. From the moment he took office, the United States would be playing by new rules that put American interests first. Just hours into his Presidency, he is told that although elected President, he would not be in charge of anything. It would take much more than his money, power and charisma to wrestle control from those who were actually in charge. Did Donald possess the innate abilities and instinctive courage needed to undertake an epic transformation in a government that had been grossly manipulated from being “of the people”? The battle lines were drawn for an intense showdown that would reshape American history. Both sides severely underestimated the enemy they would be facing for control of the country. You will discover your worst fears about the government are real.
eBook - 1600 Trump Avenue: against All Odds - A Political Prophecy $0 @ Amazon
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closed Comments
Sort of like his campaign speeches…
(full disclosure: I'm not biased; I hated both candidates equally)At least he's not gonna start world war 3 as killary, americans are small babies compared to hitler, alway someones has to pay with their lives and land so America would live…
Make America Great Again will now happen. It feels great to be on the right side of history!
I predicted a win, but to actually witness it live was a treasure to unfold. Please actually read the truths about him and for god sakes abandon the MSM that shilled against him for many, many months.
So what media source do you suggest? Breitbart? Drudge? Infowars? Fox? What other news source didn't put him down? Far from being non-partisan website but there's no denying there's a lot of misinformation spread by him as per Politifact. With a Republican congress though, we'll see how much he can get done.
politi """"""fact""""""
So if even Politifact isn't good enough of a fact-checker, who passes your tough standards?
abandon the MSM that shilled against him for many, many months.
For your own benefit, re-examine how you were taught to think and react by your teachers and the media all these years. All the media have to do to gain your support, is to suggest a link between a person and any of these concepts :
- white supremacy (black supremacy is beyond criticism, however)
- "hateful against women" "history of misogyny"
- "anti-minority" "anti-muslim" "against boatpeople"
Whether that link is false or not, the damage had been done.
Don't just gulp down "facts" freely handed to you by the likes of Fairfax. There's a reason its free, because gaining a bigger lynch mob is always beneficial to them.
Don't be easily manipulated into hating certain public figures.This article sums the problem superbly.…There was far too much off-topic character assassination and it was widespread. That just shows how much collusion there was in the media. And it was worldwide!
As for BlazinFast re: which media? Great question. I've lost respect for all the big players. Maybe checkout the observer? The article above was a rarity.
@DeWalt: corbettreport is usually well researched and low key, low budget but I find him quite reliable for the most part. No one is perfect of course. Mediamonarchy does a decent roundup each day and Newsbud is a bit more serious and just trying to get off the ground so we'll see how far it gets. There are plenty of others out there, and some dodgy ones as well just to poison the well. I don;t even bother with the TV news anymore.
Hes going to “make America great again”..ohh please. Remember Obamas “Yes we can” and 8 years later nothing changed and Trump will be no different. Theres always a puppet master and the puppet sometimes doesn't even know they are one.
Bit hard for Obama to pass anything through a majority Republican congress.
In 2008 when Obama won the election the Democrats had the Majority in the House and Senate, as well as 28 State Governors.
They shilled against him because he is as dumb as dogshit
Democracy had failed! People didn't vote the way I wanted them to!
/rolleyesWho ever said the majority of the populace is intelligent or informed?
Brilliant article. Incisive.
drain the swamp, lock her up, build that wall.
Yep, basket of deplorables
Attention Ozbargainers: sell your $USD as they soon will be worthless, and this book will be fairly priced.
The strength of conservatism is the repression of knowledge
This guy probably wrote three books.
One for Hillary one for Trump and one for poor Old Bernie…Probably just the one…find & replace does the rest… ;)
Here we go again, avalanche of stupid and predictable comments…