I've booked a trip to US for my 69 year old parents next year for 2 months. Now I am in the process of getting them travel insurance which will cover their pre-existing health conditions without breaking my bank.
Between them, they have got Type 2 Diabetes, Metastatic Prostate Cancer (controlled on medication with androgen deprivation therapy), Hypertension and Sciatica. Their medical conditions are under control with medications and physiotherapy.
TID will not cover type 2 diabetes if the person also has hypertension. And nil cover also for any type of back pain, including sciatica.
1Cover will require my parents to submit a pre-existing condition declaration form, which I am happy to do, but that will add more to the premium.
Does anyone know of any good travel insurance for seniors who have pre-existing conditions which are under control with medical supervision and medication? They are basically healthy and fit for travel.
Thank you in advance.
Travel Insurance to USA for 69 Year Old Parents with Type 2 Diabetes, Metastatic Prostate Cancer, Hypertension and Sciatica

Beat me to it atomic :). For some reason your reply didn't show up when I looked at this topic.
APIA are a huge ripoff
I've enquired with APIA, and they do not cover travel to USA. They referred me to their sister company called Vero (under the Suncorp umbrella). Vero quoted me similar to what 1Cover would cost, $1200 for 60 days, and $1700 for an annual multitrip insurance. Apparently Vero do not sell directly to the public, but would sell to customers over the phone when referred by APIA. I am not sure how good Vero is though.
Hope they aren't Mexican or Muslim.
Wow, you might be pushing the proverbial uphill with this one - as you're finding, it can be quite difficult to get cover at a reasonable price with pre-existing conditions like these. I'd been using 1Cover for several years and but when I was looking for insurance for an upcoming month-long trip to the US, I found they'd dropped one of the pre-existing conditions I needed cover for (migraines) from their "automatically covered" list - I filled out the paperwork and sent it in, and was then informed they would cover me if I paid an additional $150 on top of the original quoted premium!!!!! No thanks, I ended up going with TID who had automatic cover for the conditions I needed.
Just a suggestion but maybe Apia might be worth a look? They only do insurance for over-50s and I see they now offer travel insurance as well. Their PDS seems to indicate that they don't automatically cover ANY pre-existing condition, you have to fill in a declaration and send it in, and then they assess any additional premium payable. Unfortunately I don't think you'll find any insurer who will automatically cover the conditions you've mentioned, but hopefully other Ozbargainers might be able to come up with some more suggestions.
Try insureandgo. You can do an on-line medical assessment. Once you enter all pre-existing conditions and answer a few questions, it will tell you if you can be covered and what the additional cost, if any, will be.
Most standard travel insurance is unlikely to cover it. If you struggle with the above there are insurance brokers that can help you find this type of travel insurance, otherwise some will offer non-US travel insurance that allow you to visit the US for under a certain percentage of your trip and may cover it if they are planning to go to other countries.
Thanks everyone for your responses, really appreciate it. I will check out all the options mentioned here.
What I've learnt from this exercise is that we have to travel as much as we can while we are young,fit and healthy.We use covermore for my 80+ hubby with card vascular, vision and hearing impairment . Otherwise he is fantastic!
Yes this is the one that is often recommended for older travellers with medical problems.
Try Aussie Travel, used by Hawthorn travel and cruises ( Melbourne). They were great at getting the underwriter stirred into action in a rare moment of negative behviour according to them. Whatever they said galvanised the underwriter, Allianz, into providing instant support and transport with Dr home from Venice to Melbourne.
Great to know that they offer personalised back up if things go pear shaped.
you could try APIA - insurance for over 50s