Permanent Vs Contracting

Also similar to the other post. But what I'm being offered today is

  • contract job
  • door to door sales
  • business customers only
  • first few weeks pay is pretty low, 600 to 800
  • accelerated manager training provided, they say I can earn my ranks to a sales manager position within a year and earn couple of thousand a week once I'm there, however it's all performance base
  • I will be selling intangible stuff and asking for donations
  • I must have my own ABN and choose my own payroll company to do my paperwork and income tax

Should I be proceed? I have a really bad gut feeling and I'm unsure if this is a good opportunity to learn or whether I'm getting the short end of the stick.

Poll Options

  • 0
    Do it, chicken.
  • 33
    Run away with your tail between your legs


  • You are way above this.

  • +1

    Sounds awful. Although, its better than nothing…

  • Sounds dodgy

  • Yeah, have fun with this job…. :P

    To be honest to succeed in this kind of job, you need to have a bubbly, outgoing and very sociable personality, not to mention very …persuasive… when meeting randoms face to face. If you're like me - a complete opposite, yeah nah don't bother. I had also got a job offering on this kind of stuff and yeah it didn't turn out well(At least I tried!)…hahahha

    But 600 to 800 a week(assuming that's weekly? Or just the first few weeks is 600 to 800 in total?), is an alright start off I suppose if you're desperate for money…if it's the first few weeks in total, well yeah….that's pretty crappy….hahaha…

    they say I can earn my ranks to a sales manager position within a year and earn couple of thousand a week once I'm there, however it's all performance base

    Ah yes, they touted a similar line like this to us. Heh, needless to say after the first day of training/induction, like 95% of all the participants never returned! hahaha

    • Yeah no joke, 600 to 800 for the first 2 to 4 weeks, plus about 30 percent commission.

      Then after its about a thousand, give or take a few hundred more. Again, these are estimated numbers.

  • this is standard for this industry, if you are a great sales gun you will be grossing with 1500-2400 per week. If you suck then you would quit in 2 months :)

    • +1

      if you give a me a product that I'm personally interested in or something tangible that I actually believe in, I could sell.

      But asking for donations? I hate people asking for donations door-to-door (or on the street) and they look so desperate too. Everybody calls them chuggers (charity muggers).
      Becoming one myself would make me go insane with cognitive dissonance.

  • I will be selling intangible stuff and asking for donations
    first few weeks pay is pretty low, 600 to 800

    Yeah right - you will be lucky to clear even that. Glorified chugger role.


  • With the information you have provided, this sounds horrible. What would you be selling? If you are selling something, why are donations involved? I don't get it

  • i once had a similar sales job when I was in London.

    I went to the job interview and this bloke waffled on about making money, job opportunities , management, contracts, bonus, success, fast cars, etc etc.

    after 20 minutes of nodding at him I asked what the job was.

    he said door-to-door sales.


    I was paired up with a south african guy for "training". He explained that the job was a great opportunity to make money, create a business, get other people to work for you, retire in 5 years time, etc etc. He loved it.

    we went walking through the streets and after knocking on 3 doors and trying to sell carving knifes, book marks, and some other random crap to people the SA guy turned to me and asked if I was actually interested in the job. I said no and walked off.

    went back to my share house and one of the other dudes there asked how it went. I said I walked out after half an hour. he was flabbergasted "how could you walk off a job?!?!?" I calmly replied that it was door-to-door. He said "say no more"

    if it was a proper product, I probably would have tried my hand at it. but this was random crap you get at the reject shop and over priced.

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