Hey Ozbargainers, I'm looking to buy a Macbook Pro for school next year.
What is the cheapest way of buying a Macbook that you know of?
Any help is much appreciated!
Hey Ozbargainers, I'm looking to buy a Macbook Pro for school next year.
What is the cheapest way of buying a Macbook that you know of?
Any help is much appreciated!
Get an Air. At least it still has USB ports.
What does Donald Trump and the iPhone 7 have in common?
They both think that de-porting is the answer when there's no more Jobs.
Hello fellow redditor :D
don't :)
1) Get store gift cards from Woolworths and paying through discounted Woolworths egift vouchers (5% easily from CashRewards)
Or you can buy egift cards through entertainment book website @10% off for David Jones, so you have to make sure that DJs has the model you want in stock.
2) There might be an education discount http://www.apple.com/au-hed/shop
3) Macbooks are overpriced for what they offer.. can you not consider a Windows laptop? No one really cares what you have as long as it does its job.
There's so much more competition and better offerings, why not state a budget and requirements that you want instead?
I don't think david jones sells them any more … since dick smith went out of business.
You could probably find discounted gift cards for Harvey Norman in the Obz classifieds or gumtree (given the recent Amex deal).
I saw westfield gift cards at Woolies, perhaps an apple store or myer that's in a westfield will accept them?
You can sometimes buy myer gift cards at 10% discount via aglrewards too…
Does it need to be new? If so, all I know of is to wait for a 10% off sale at JB Hifi which happens pretty regularly.
If second hand is acceptable, stalk Gumtree. Be patient and keep checking. Pin a tab and just refresh every so often. If the ad was posted more than two hours ago, you probably aren't getting a great deal.
I'm typing this on a 2015 MacBook Pro 13" (was the newest one until the update just last week) that I got in pretty much perfect condition for 1100$ in June. Just patience and Gumtree.
Totally stolen goods.
10% off from jbhifi sales is always a better deal than student discount FYI
Apple do offer refurbished laptops with new warranty and I recommend the AIR with 8gb/256SSD, I bought mine from apple direct, the links on the website and paid substantially less
If you or a close trusted rellie is going on a holiday you can get the to claim back the GST if its within 30 days too.
Buy a cheap Lenovo, then put an Apple sticker on it
Cheaper through the university Apple Stores (or your School's) :
What will you be using it for at school?
I think they sometimes show up in ebay 20% off sales (bing lee, goodguys, officeworks, kogan).
Google to find the lowest price, then get Officeworks to price match with 5% extra discount.
I bought a mac second hand from OCAU forums.
Plus some graphics cards, a HP folio, a computer case and SSD. All good trades for a fraction of the price of eBay goods!
As long as your seller is a fellow It geek, you should be able to avoid getting the short end of the stick.
Buy it using any of the tips above but do it within 30days of leaving the country. Get the GST back at the airport - anything you bought on a GST receipt more than $300 qualifies. This way you get a further10% off.
TRS is 60 days.
Heh. Always thought it was 30 days. Thanks!
best way is to buy jbhifi gift cards from coles at 10% off (see thread https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/278641) then go to jbhifi and buy it. its currently 10% off all MacBooks there including the new models with touchbar.