This was posted 8 years 3 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Final Fantasy XV for PS4 $55.99 @ OzGameShop + Free Shipping (from UK)


Great Preorder deal from Ozgameshop, over 50 means it will ship free too.
Note that this comes from the UK and will most likely take approx 5 to 8 business days once its shipped.
This version also includes no preorder dlc bonuses, just the base game.

Locally JB has the cheapest price at $69 so far where you can play it day one, so it depends on whether your willing to wait a bit.
Release date is the 29th November

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closed Comments

  • +14

    When one has waited 10 years for this game what's another week

  • +3

    £33.15 Shipped from (once VAT comes off) - ~AU$53.32

    And that's the Day 1 Edition

    • So the VAT gets removed at checkout if it ships to Australia, thats pretty damn cheap again

    • Does day on edition mean anything?

    • -1

      Must have gone up in price as pre ordered this few weeks back at £30.65 delivered which i get as approx $49.33 today.

      • That's the XBONE edition.

  • +2

    I can't believe this game is nearly out already. I've been waiting since FFVs13.

    • yeah cant wait, its been far too long a wait

    • Genuine question, why are people so hyped about this game? I mean, I'm a FF fan and I intend on buying this game but to be honest, I haven't done much research into the game other than cinematic/gameplay trailers on YouTube…

      • Not really answering your question. But not being able to control other characters besides Noctis, like in Dragon Age, sucks! Lowered the hype for me.

  • +1

    just hope it lives up to the hype!

  • I don't think UK games work with AUS DLC. Which is why I haven't purchased Dark Souls 3 from them, even though it's cheap.

    Anyone ever purchased Dark souls 3 from them and got the AUS dlc to work?

    • on xbox its cheap, ps4 not so much atm, would be good if someone could confirm this, ive never had issues from the games from ozgameshop which would be the same stock

      • Yeah. I've noticed on some days its 47 and others it's in the 70's. Would also like to know if OzGameshop is good with returns for opened games, simply because of incompatible DLC region issues.

    • +2

      I believe UK games work with AUS DLC. I imported games from UK and successfully redeemed DLC bonus and DLC on my AUS account. EU and AU share the region, so should not be a problem for games and DLC.

      Correct me if they have changed.

      • They have not.

    • +1

      For PS4 at least, UK and AU are the same region. Same DLC.

      • -4

        Aus are region 4, UK/EU is region 2. From Google.

        • +1

          That's DVD

      • PS4 is region free. You can play any title from anywhere. Just a matter of the DLC being compatible, and UK and AUS DLC/games are 100% compatible with each other, and have been since the PS3 launched.

    • If you have issues with claiming DLCs on your AU account,try make a UK account, sign in and redeem the DLC. Make sure that your PS4 is set as the default console for the UK account. Once the DLC is claimed on the system then every other user will have access to it. Best of luck!

  • Does it come with Chinese subtitles? I want one.

    • Oh I thought it was from HK… Never mind.

  • For about $14 difference and Potential dlc issues, might as well get from local.

    • +3

      There are no dlc issues. PS4 is the same region here as UK.

  • Which version of the game are you guys planning to buy? Eb Games Kings Tale edition? JB Hi-Fi's steelbook edition or the Digital premium edition?
    It's getting difficult to choose with all the pre-order bonuses
    The price is good on this but can't wait haha

    • Remember Duke Nukem and No mans sky. Never pre-order :)

      • Jb hi fi told me u can take back the deposit any time. Even if you forget about the pre order and come back two years later?

        So wouldn't worry about being stuck in limbo for game delays. Just cancel then?

    • im getting it from eb and then price match jbhifi, you get alot of dlc that way for $69 and on day one

      • +2

        How did you talk them into price matching? The game versions are different because EB offers an extra 2D game, while JB doesn't.

        • well i'll give it a try and see how it goes, otherwise just get it from jb, would be good to know if the preorder dlc are unlockable through playing the game also, would care alot less

  • Haven't used the ps4 that much but I thought consoles these days were not region locked or had the old issue of the past with ntfs vs pal when you used to buy your playstation games around the world??

    Maybe someone can explain? By DLC problems are people referring to possible gameplay purchases for additional side games (kind of like infamous: first light ?) or just DLC as in extra weapons or bonus items/skins (which I'm not interest in)?

    And more importantly, is there really any issue buying not just FFXV but any game from overseas from places like OzGame Shop?

    And thanks for whoever linked JB HI fi @ $69!! jeez , wasn't eb games doing like $99 or something crazy. I wonder if they will price match in store so we don't need to delivery fee. I assume you could pickup a copy on the date of release - 29/11, whereas delivery would be the following day or two if ordering online through jb?

    • EB Games are selling the Kings Tale edition with the King's Tale side scrolling mini game. Exclusive to EB games only.

      • Yeah , $99? but the standard game I thought was originally advertised around $99??

        Is there any other things about this 'day one edition' buying through JB would give besides the Murasame sword? just bragging rights?

        edit: and more importantly - has anyone found anywhere else in Australia retailing on a better deal or price for ps4 ffXV?

        Have never pre-ordered a game, let alone JB HI Fi so keen to hear how the experience/reliability usually is. Probably won't play it the minute I get it, but still good to know it'll arrive on time :)

      • +3

        I'm not paying an extra $50 for a mini game lol

    • PS4 and XBONE games don't region lock games (I think the ability to do so is there, but not taken advantage of). However DLC is region locked.

      The question here though is whether or not the copy sold in the UK is of the same region here, to which the answer is yes.

      • If that's the case is buying through this seller the only difference to jb would be you would haveto wait two weeks to play? That and no dlc?

        Another user linked the base store. that's a day one edition?? For $52 aud??

        So if you can still download the dlc on aus you'd save money and get the exact same contents correct?

        It'll be the same day one edition as in jb hi fi so you can still get the English or jap voice-overs, or english subtitles??

        If so it's just a price and 'do you want to play on day one?' issue?

        • There is one press of the disks, just different covers printed.
          All exactly the same (for Eu/Au/Nz)

  • -4

    I love every FF game ever made but I'll never pre order a game. I'll wait for reviews first then I'll decide to buy or not. These games don't come cheap.

  • +1

    Been watching Base and they've dropped the price from GBP 37.99 to 35.85 (29.88 after VAT removal). Works out to be ~AUD52 after added postage.…

    • Never bought from them. How reliable are they?

      Given it says day one edition does this mean aus can use the uk dlc given the games aren't region locked?

      In which case is saving the $17 to jb hi fi $69 the only difference being you can't play on day one?

    • The ozbargain link posted here is now sold out. Just wondering how long does base take to deliver preorders??

      Is it reliable or any good. It's cheap but no point if orders arrive after christmas to save some money.

      Doesn't say much about how long delivery is. I'd heard of ozgameshop but never base.

    • how do you access the "Vat removal" price? When ordering for aus?

      • VAT is removed automatically at checkout when you try to checkout using an Australian address.
        Just received an order in the mail today, that I made on 9/11, so it looks like roughly 2 weeks+ shipping times? I've still gotta start Bloodborne so I'm not rushed about getting FFXV on release day!

        • Thanks! I didn't realise you had to go that far to see it reduce. I got it for $33.15 GBP includeing the $1.70 or whatever it was GBP they slug you for shipping. Not too bad! $55.80 AUD at today's rate.

          I too have FF type 0 and a few other games i've "bought" On similar pricing to this brand new: $50 circa. And they're growing dust, so I bit the bullet and figured I wouldn't get around to playing FFXV on day one anyway, so took the chance to save the $14 versus jb hi fi , particularly since pplz mentioned GBP dlc works in Aus?


  • Does anyone know if either UK or the local AUS edition that will be released on day one edition will be in native Japanese with English subtitles?

    The original language is so much better than dubbed, fingers crossed. I'm assuming not? Unless it comes in international version like FFX where you can toggle between English or Japanese audio?

  • Ozgameshop now sold out of stock.

    Saw the user above linking base with day one edition for cheaper. Wondering if anyone had used base and could comment on reliability and delivery times? Or anyone else selling the game that would work with aus region wise.

    Alternative is still jb hi fi. But $69…. Question i guess is if one plans to play on day one…

    • I ordered from on 19 Nov 2016, and didn't get the first batch that came in. I did get an email on release day (29 Nov) saying they sent out my copy as they received their second batch. Received my copy on 16 Dec 2016, so a good 13 days from UK to Australia (Sydney). I might also want to add that they sent me the FFXV Special Steelbook Edition rather than the Day One edition that I ordered, so a thumbs up from me.

      Edit: PS4 version from

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