Any Deals on Dreamworld Tickets?

travelling to GC at the end of this month (Nov) :/

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  • I would suggest avoiding this place like it was a blue waffle….

  • In light of the recent events I can only imagine that crowd numbers will be down and the offers will be plentiful in the next couple of weeks, hang fire and wait i say. Probably will reopen later this week.

  • In light of recent events, I do feel sorry for Dreamworld as a business as their reputation is definitely damaged.

    It has been an Australia icon for years (since before I was born) and I would hate to see them go under.

  • If they cant provide and independent safety certification on ALL their rides, I would not be able to support this business. And now that I know that small local carnivals are not all inspected, wont be using their rides !!!!
    This is where a company like Disneyland wins hands down, well run with safety and maintenance as a priority……

    • +2

      Agree in most part about Disney parks. They set the bar very high.

      But even they are not perfect, there have been deaths in Disney parks due to maintenance issues.

  • Word is ardent have announced at their recent board meeting(after the incident) that the land is valued at 235 million dollars should they close and sell.
    I suspect a new housing estate is on the horizon

    • +2

      O no….. but they dontneed more apartments in gold coast right

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