A million dollars is no longer the number it was in the eighties. Purchasing power has dropped and cash has become cheaper. That said, it's still the first number out of people's mouths as the one they aspire to. A mil. The big M. It's become more achieveable in recent years, and there are many ways to go about it.
I'd like to ask those who have reached the milestone how they did it. I guess I'm looking for inspiration. I read The Millionaire Next Door a while back, and I'm interested in hearing from those who've reached it. I don't care if it's a million cash sitting there (which is less likely), a million in assets like property (more likely), or a million dollar business. I just won't count leveraged assets that aren't owned outright as your million, like mortgaged real estate or open currency positions … Cause well, anyone can have a million dollars that way.
(Edit for spelling)
[Insert lie or lame joke here]