Nice price drops to stack up wih the FREE coffee or slurpee today.
Nice price drops to stack up wih the FREE coffee or slurpee today.
Good deal. Just bought th chuppa Chup which was scanning at 60c still, but they have a 7-11 book with the birthday deals in it which shows it is 20c today- so he fixed it up. Shared the good news with a pack of high schoolers who were stoked to load up on a slurpee/chuppa chup sugar-high before school.
Your good deed is done for the day!
Except these guys are back in The Age again trying to screw their employees out of their compensation. The people who run this company are scumbags.
yeah personally I don't go unless using the app which usually nets me a saving of $17
$17 how
I think he means with fuel lock option
You lock in the petrol price at the lowest point of the price cycle, using the 7-11 fuel app, and then you have 7 days to refill before the lock expires. Personally I refill either when I'm nearly out, or when the price lock is about the expire, whichever comes sooner. Done it for the last 4 cycles, locking in the lowest price point, and for my car (which only takes around 45 litres) I usually save $7 to $10 (difference between price shown at the bowser, and price I actually pay with the price lock). So I'm assuming Chef-Johnson has a fuel tank twice as large as mine.
And I know in theory it sounds like "why bother?", but in practice I always get the lowest price now, whereas before I usually did not because I either bought too early, or was too late and prices shot up. And obviously it depends on the length of your local petrol cycle, which depends on where you are, as all of the state capitals seem to have different cycles. In Sydney, the cycle this year has been between 21 and 35 days, so it's a long time between drinks if you want to pay the lowest price.
@nickj: yeah so i noticed every single servo jumps up so for instance other day 3pm $1.07 7pm $1.37 4 servos within 5 min drive all went up. Including 7-11 near me. Jump on app fill up for $1.11 then relock in again for next tank. They're really at upping the price
You could call out a lot of the front page deals for being scumbags in form or another - Coca Cola Amatil for human rights abuses, Woolies for bullying with bargaining power, Priceline for stocking cosmetics tested on animals….
anyone else noticed that they are really slow on updating the fuel price in the app? Also has anyone tried sharing log in details and locking in the price from another sate? for instance fuel was $1.37 in brisbane but only $1.11 in melb
What do you mean slow in updating price? The price on the app is lowest in the area not the same as your local store. Yes you can use interstate. Locked in Melbourne and used in Gold Coast. PS fuel is expensive in GC the app came handy saved me about 25c/L on a 60L fill.
The bounce bites, are they the 120g packs? Otherwise how big are they?
Edit: ah dw the mobile version didn't show it. It's a 30g bar.
I just went to buy 2 Bounce bars and 2 Freddo's, scanned up at full price. Showed the girl and she didn't know / couldn't discount. So all I got was a Free horrible coffee without a purchase. :(
That's not too bad. At least you got something for free.
True, but I really wanted a Freddo!
Haha if only I could give you the Freddo. Happy to purchase one for a free slurpee.
@ronnknee: Yeah…I'll go back and buy one for the non-bargain price of 70c….just for slurpee! :) I would have bought one but it was the principal of the thing then. It shows price on their website!!
i went to get Chupa Chups still scanning full price (60c)i showed them the current promotion on the website to get it for 20c. Its seems there system is not updated with this ONE DAY Discount Deal.
my 7-11 has chupa chups for 0.60 and freddos for 0.70!
i went to get Chupa Chups still scanning full price (60c)i showed them the current promotion on the website to get it for 20c. Its seems there system is not updated with this ONE DAY Discount Deal.
Loving the comments about people getting charged the normal price for shit. I went in and got some petrol for the mower, so just under 5 litres, came to 5.86, and I go grab a large Slurpee for a dollar, 6.86, then the medium one for free, and the guy charged me the 80c for the medium and put the large through for free.
Mostly commenting though, because it came up as 6.66 and I had a good laugh.
Chupa Chups in George St and Druitt St, Sydney are scanning at 20c. And you get a free medium Slurpee with any purchase.
Anyone tried topping their Opal card and getting a free slurpee?
Nvm, went myself and cashier said its okay to take free slurpee for opal top up… so i took one.
Slurpee for free, yay!
Nice find, I remember when I was at uni an exam would almost always fall on 7/11. The free slurpees would always cheer me up haha.