A special message from The Times.
To our readers,
As journalists who have covered our fair share of campaigns, we consider these moments to be among the most important in the life of a democracy. We believe that everyone, without exception, deserves a deeper understanding of the candidates, the issues and the results of this unprecedented election.
So we have decided to open our digital platforms to all — without charge — on Nov. 7, 8 and 9. We invite you to come back as often as you like to take advantage of our reporting, analysis and commentary, from the lead-up through the aftermath.
This is the type of work that The New York Times does every day. And as fewer news organizations commit the kind of resources we do, we’re redoubling our efforts.
No matter who prevails on Tuesday, we will continue to work hard to bring you everything you need to understand this historic moment and all that follows.
Dean Baquet
Executive Editor
The New York Times
James Bennet
Editor, Editorial Page
The New York Times
The New York Times are going bankrupt and have spread countless amounts of propaganda to the masses. People aren't having it. They have had enough with the bias.
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