This was posted 8 years 3 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation 4 Pro VIP Trade Offer + 50% off Selected New Release Title @ EB Games


Good Evening Everyone!

Considering the PlayStation 4 Pro is right around the corner I thought I'd upload a post for the best way to obtain one. If you fall into the category of previously having a PS4 and a couple games laying around, this deal is very relevant to you.

EB Games is willing to give you $210 off a new PS4 Pro (RRP $559), resulting in a difference of $349. To be eligible for this deal you need a 500GB PS4 and ANY GAME! (PS4 needs to be in working condition and include HDMI, Power Cord and Controller).

On top of this between the 7th-9th November if you bring in additional games and accessories (controllers, PS4 Camera etc) you will receive 50% extra and this combines with your EBW bonus! (Does not add extra value on top of console, just the games and accessories).

Level 2: 50% + 10%
Level 3: 50% + 15%
Level 4: 50% + 20%

After trading in your old PS4, a few games and receiving your PS4 Pro you can pick up these games at 50% off! (You are eligible to buy 1 of each of these games. Selected games must be purchased in the same transaction as the PS4 Pro).

Rise of the Tomb Raider: (Regular Price = $89.95) // (Special Price: = $44.97)
Skyrim: Special Edition: (Regular Price = $79.95) // (Special Price: = $39.97)
Dishonored 2: (Regular Price = $99.95) // (Special Price: = $49.97)
Watch_Dogs 2: (Regular Price = $99.95) // (Special Price: = $49.97)

Hope this has somewhat helped those consumers who were on edge about picking up the console. I personally am trading in my console toward this. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to comment.

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EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +8

    Apologies but you will get much more for your console if you sell it privately. $210 for a PS4 is pretty low.

    • +1

      It's even less than that too, since you have to trade a game with the console.

    • +4

      I've had $230 on mine for 2 months and can't move it. You can buy new ones (slim model) with a game for $350, so why would anyone buy a 3 year old used console?

      • -1

        Where and with what? Your ad is poorly written or your photos poorly taken or something.

        • +2

          Gumtree, Facebook Market, local buy sell swap page, and my personal Facebook.

          Photos taken of a clean console with a DSLR camera. Nothing wrong with it, and cosmetically perfect beside from surface scratching on the piano black part that every single console gets from just cleaning it.

          Comes with original box and all contents.

          Still no bites, so it'll be sold to EB for the $210 with a copy of NBA 2K14 (because that's worth about $2 Haha).

        • +2

          Dude, the new slim can be found for 300 or so at plenty of places, even EB themselves did it for 300 for a bit. Plus the OG model has been that low for ages when you keep your eyes out. Dick Smith had it for 300 nearly a year ago.

        • +5

          Exactly my point. The new model being sold for a pittance devalued the resale value of the old ones. $210 is perfectly 'average' now, and EB are giving you it without any hassle to yourself. I reckon that's a good deal, and it's where my PS4 will end up.

          Can't believe I'm actually saying that about EB but here we are. Usually rip off merchants.

        • +1

          @BradH13: EB Games offer good deals when they want. I had Skyrim and Watch_Dogs 2 fully paid off and they personally called me to let me know that I'd get the games 50% off a few weeks ago. Don't see department stores do that. I personally appreciate the service they give, especially at my local store. They're always happy to price match games so I'll always shop there.

      • i sold my PS3 for $350 a few months back
        there are always idiots out there.

        • +2

          How is this downvoted? That's brilliant.

        • +6

          @TheDukeOfNukem: Probably downvoted by the poor sap who wasted $350 on a PS3.

        • +1

          @Orpheon: oh shit, I thought they said PS4, that's even better, holy balls that's impressive.

      • +1

        Sold my ps4 two weeks ago for $260. No games, one controller. Sold within 1 hr of posting on gumtree. Run a spell checker.

        • It's dropped considerably now unfortunately, the market is getting flooded and with the low price of a slim/release of the Pro. You'd be lucky to get much more than $210 for it now. Plus, some people jsut don't want to go through the hassle of a transfer and sale.

    • +1

      Ebay rates for 500gb PS4 depending on quality goes anywhere between $200-$320 by itself. And then you have fees.

      I don't think this deal is all that bad considering you can trade in no risk. The only thing is you miss out on buying PS4 Pro with the various discounts (ie the inevitable Ebay discount).

    • +1

      know anyone with a Level 4 card? Use their card but your license and that amount goes up to $252. Hassle free.

  • I'm going to pass on the +50% bonus but ROTR for $45 ain't a bad price. I'll be picking that up when I get my Pro this week :)

  • I can see how this would be worthwhile for certain people. Obviously 50% off brand new games is good, and the 50% trade in credit would mean you could get good value for older games that have been iterated on like Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain, Destiny, The Witcher, etc. Also I'm pretty sure when you buy a console at EB, you get a certain percentage off pre-owned games for that system too (40% I think). So with all that, you could end up with some serious value. That being said, I'm fine with my current PS4.

  • Controller can be traded for $30 before 50% bonus. Fyi

    • -1

      Or sold for $45-$55 privately..

      • Got $51 for mine from EB, hassle free lol.

      • With 50% plus 15%, I don't need the bay or gumtree

      • What I was saying, is that EB isn't paying any better. You'll get by just fine if you choose not to deal with EB.

        • +2

          You'll also get by fine if you choose to deal with EB. For a few extra dollars I'd prefer the hassle free method. Private selling always comes with bargaining individuals. Whereas with EB you simply hand them the controller and it is done.

  • +1

    Nice. Might take in my PS4 and a couple of games and pick up the Pro and Watchdogs 2 and Dishonoured 2.

    • +1

      I'm going to do the same and get the same games XD

  • Can I trade my old ps3 games as well? or it is for ps4 games only?

    • You can trade 80GB ps3's and up, but you might not like the price you get offered

  • What do ppl get for old PS3,Xbox 360, wii and Kinect unit ?

    • +1

      You'll probably get less for the 360 since it's backwards compatible for a lot of games, the Wii will probably get you $40 if you can get a buyer. I'd keep it boxed and hopefully it's price goes back up because at the moment the Wii remote has the best resale value

      • Thanks

  • so do you get the 50% off the games just for buying PS4 Pro at launch or is that only if you trade in a console? BTW i sold my uncharted edition 1tb PS4 for $300 the other day, with no games.

    • Don't need to trade to get the 50% off games. Just need to get a Pro in the same transaction.

      • +1

        Thanks for clarifying :) looks like I'm getting RoTR and Skyrim.

  • +4

    Sold my ps4 for $280 2 weeks ago, bought $560 for $504. So upgraded my ps4 to pro for $224

    My mate sold his yesterday for $240, he also bought $560 in ultimate kids giftcards for $504, so he's upgrading his for $264.

    Seems to beat the hell out of what eb games are offering.

    • +1

      You've inspired me not to be so damn lazy and I've now made ads on FB and Gum so hopefully I can get $250~ and do the gift card deal.

    • Ehh just found out you've got to buy the GC's in multiples of $50. Grrrr!

      • Yup they got ozbargained out by a lot of people reselling them at 5% off on gumtree. Dicks.

        Some guy bought 4k of them from the rundle mall coles apparantly

        • +1

          I'm not happy about it but going to try and do it in two lots to reduce the pain. Hopefully I don't piss the JB staff off to much.

        • +1

          @Ingram: one of my friends manages one she just said be friendly nice and helpful they will look after you

        • Found 2 at my work and I've asked the day staff to find me 9 more. Will check another local store but chances are slim. 2 is better than none I guess.

        • @Ingram: Thats the spirit mate.

          Unfortunately you've had hte usual ozb'ers cleaning the shelf, and the asian buying syndicates buying up a ton of them too.

          Earlier today on my gumtree a guy named Van had a stack of 300 $50 vouchers on gumtree for $45 each firm.

          No guessing where he got them from….

        • +2


          Now have 11 cards to go preorder tomorrow :) Also lined someone up to buy my old PS4 for $240 so I'm getting this upgrade fairly cheap.

        • +2

          @Ingram: Remove the stone of shame! Attach the stone of triumph!

  • "On top of this between the 7th-9th November if you bring in additional games and accessories (controllers, PS4 Camera etc) you will receive 50% extra and this combines with your EBW bonus! (Does not add extra value on top of console, just the games and accessories).

    Level 2: 50% + 10%
    Level 3: 50% + 15%
    Level 4: 50% + 20%"

    Can you explain what this means further?
    The $210 in itself isn't a great price, but if you wanted one of those 4 games, those prices are at least $20 / $30 cheaper than the cheapest deals you'd find at Target / Big W / JB Hifi, right? So that's arguably $20 more.
    One could say that's therefore $230 for the console.

    I sold my one for $480 I think but I had several games, controllers, cameras etc.

    • +2

      So for example you would trade in your 500GB console and a game and get $210 "STANDARD TRADE CREDIT." If you knew someone with a Level 4 card you'd then get $252 for console and game alone.

      I was quoted to receive $400 for my spare 500GB console, 4 games and extra controller. No hassle of private sale and no risk of private buyer hassling me later on.

  • Would trading in other consoles have any bonus trade offers when taking up this ps4 offer?

    Enquired a few weeks ago that they still take broken consoles for trade in, ive got a wii u to trade in.

  • +3
    • eb trade ins
    • bargain

    pick one

  • Can the 1 game trade in be any ps4 game? Eg just buy some $5 game from cex and trade that in?

    • +1

      Yep. Any game. I bought Rabbids Invasion for $8 for the sole purpose of trading that in with my PS4.

      • Oh you can do this offer now before release? Did you preorder the games in the offer at 50% off successfully too?

        • +1

          You can trade it in now if you like. But I don't think you'll get half off the games until you pick up the Pro. I just put down the usual $10 for each game just to reserve them as I'd imagine a lot of people will be buying those games on release day. Games that are already released, Skyrim and ROTR I just put down a $10 layby until the pro comes out.

        • @foor: Great thanks.

  • -1

    Still not understanding the rush to upgrade. Some games may look better. It won't be huge. Think of DX11+tesselation = nobody noticed. Think New 3DSXL = nobody used the extra grunt. Wait a year to see if it makes any difference, I bet you it won't.

    • -5

      the games will still chug along at 30 fps cinematic innovation 720p or less and the gullible will still gobble it up ;)

      • +3

        What PS4 game has ever even been 720p?

    • -2

      Dunno why you're being downvoted, you're right. Early adoption , especially in this case, makes no sense.

  • better off slapping it on Gumtree.

  • +1

    Looks good! But still waiting for a nice bundle to come ;\ Hoping to get a bundle with Watchdog 2 or COD or BF1 for the RRP price or less.

  • eb told me about this last week b4 the email sunday.
    was tempted but u will get better elsewhere.
    only of value if u have loads of others to trade in.

  • +1

    If you're a level 3 or 4 member, EB trade in just as good as selling on auction site.
    Please note, whilst you have a a 4k TV with hdr, your receiver may not support HDR. Which means you will have to use the ARC port from the tv back to the receiver for audio.

    • Yeah will be doing the EB route. Sure can get a bit more from private sale but after EB bonus of 15% that will take it up to around $240 for the console + whatever for the game. Worth the hassle of selling privately plus potential postage etc for a bit extra? Not for me it isnt.

    • Yeah pretty much, as a level 3 I got quoted $290 trade in for an xbone, 3 games and an extra controller. Could only manage to sell it for $300 on Gumtree, that $10 was barely worth the hassle.

  • +1

    I doubt they would let this be published, but does anyone know of a trade value list from EB? ie. base trade value for different titles?

    • It constantly changes, it takes into consideration amounts of each game in stock/how popular something is at that moment.

  • What if you've got a 1TB model?

    • +2

      Apparently is another $50, so $260 base plus your EB world bonus.

      • Nice, $299 for just the console and a copy of destiny isn't half bad. I'm actually tempted.

      • Nice! Don't mean to doubt you, but where did you get this info from?

        I've asked a good friend of mine who is an ASM at a Qld branch and a friend from a local NSW branch and both were uncertain of the difference, if any, between the trade-in value of 1tb and 500gb

        Think I might just take up the Dishonored 2 discount as well!

  • amazing deal, I'm doing that

  • does theany game need to be PS4? I got a ps1 game

  • Is there any listings for the 50% off games with a trade in of the console? The website only mentions the console trade in. The deal is only worth it to me if I can get the half price games.

    • In my original post you can see the games you will receive 50% off. There's 4 of them.

  • I asked at my local EB Games, and was told the 50% extra trade value deal does not stack with the $349 PS4 Pro trade in deal. I was quoted $180 for my 500 GB PS4 in order to take advantage of the 50% extra trade value for my games/accessories.

    • +1

      I literally just walked out of the store with the trade completed. I have a PS4 Pro paid off with half price copies of ROTR and Skyrim waiting for me. The extra 50% value was a breeze on top of the $349 trade deal! Very happy with my decision to trade!

      • Awesome :) I might have to try to convince my local EB to give me the 50% extra trade value on top of the $349 trade deal. Did you hear about the 50% extra trade deal in an EB newsletter? I can't find anything on the website.

        …ah, I just noticed the small print on the $349 trade deal ad says "not to be combined with any other offer except EB World". I guess I need to find an EB staff member who hasn't paid attention to the fine print!

        • And people say it's a bad idea to trade early… Good luck man ;).

          Funny thing is I was about to get rise of the tomb raider and went read reviews… Then someone mentioned of this deal
          And I was like omg I was 1 of them back then so I decided to skip and save myself the $45.

          Now to decide if I should get watchdogs 2 or wait till all season passes are released for full edition…

      • Just complete my trade and had no problems combining the deals. I earned an extra $50 from trades that I would have otherwise missed out onโ€”thanks for the tip!

        • no way?! that's so awesome my brother! hope I could help!

    • The consoles normal trade is $180. If you do the deal of 500gb ps4 + a game the PS4 gets boosted up to $210 + your EB world bonus + whatever your game is worth. The 50% extra applies to games and accessories you trade at the same time.

  • +1

    Traded in mine and got $231 for it thank you.

    • You must be on LV2 as I am got the same value after my trade in.

      • Yes I am :)

  • +1

    does anyone know if i can take my 2tb hdd out of the ps4 (with all my digital downloads) then just jam it in the pro and keep going

    • Will possibly need a firmware update

    • From what I have read on the official PS4 FAQ and Reddit posts, the moment you put the HDD in the Pro it will require a format :(

    • Not sure how that will go, but in the PS4 4.0 update Sony added an option to copy across the internal HDD contents to an external HDD.

      So what you could do is
      1.plug 2tb external HDD into the PS4, copy internal 2tb HDD contents across via the PS4 settings.
      2. Copy across eternal HDD data to PS4 Pro - or alternatively you could remove the 2tb HDD from the Vanilla PS4 before trade-in, re-install the original 500GB/1tb drive the PS4 shipped with, then install the 2TB data into the PS4 Pro then copy across your data from the external HDD.


  • +1

    i am a level 2 eb world, and today I traded my old 500G ps4 along with 29 pretty old games (PS4, WIIU, PS3, 3DS and PSV) that I will never play them again, and I ended up to pay just $105 to get PS4 PRO! So happy about it!

    • $559 (PS4 Pro RRP) - $231 (trade in LV2 PS4 + 1 PS4 game) - $105 Residual = $223 / 28 (29 games - 1) = $8 ea trade in value. Pretty good value considering I only got $2 for my NBA 2K14. :0

      • those traded in games I will never play again, like Fifa 2011 ps3, fifa 2013 psv, or cooking mama 3 and 4, they are all pretty old and I really want to get rid of, so yeah it sounds pretty worth deal to me.

      • Lol I traded in my really old ps3 controller today and it was only worth $1.
        If I knew it was $1, I would've kept it but… I think the employee fked up anyway cause there's no way I'd end up paying like $70 for the pro…

        • wait, what? What was the situation? What did you trade in toward it?

        • @ThePriceMatchGuy:
          I'd rather not say incase they see or him getting in trouble :(
          Old ps4 + a few old games that were no where close to 28, let alone 10.

        • $1??? Sorry to hear that mate, but I do feel better now๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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