I am interested in getting a wake up light,
i have been tossing up between Xioami YeeLight for around $80 (http://www.banggood.com/Original-Xiaomi-Yeelight-Bedside-Lam…), or thinking about just getting a smart light which im not sure will work as a wake up light timed.
The main thing i want is,
to set an alarm on my phone (bluetooth or wifi) and the light to be bright to wake me up. My not interested at all with different colored lights which the Xioami YeeLight has, my purpose is to just have it wake me up.
The phillips Wake Up Light is to expensive and require to be set up manually on the device which is a negative for me.
Whats the best option for me ?
Why can't you just put an ordinary light on a timer? That certainly won't cost $80.