Looks like Mavic Pro won't be here anytime soon as in-store pickups so I'm regretting selling my Phantom 4. Have a couple of trips lined up in the next 2-3 months and was wondering whether I should go for a Phantom 4 again until the issues with Mavic Pro are ironed out and more supply pumps in.
So in essence, I'm just wondering how low could a Phantom 4 dip in the next 2-3 months? It looks like Phantom currently trades for around $1400-1500. Would it be a fair assumption to think it would trade around $1200-1300 in the next 2-3 months?
A lot of recent reviews show that Phantom 4 cannot be replaced by Mavic especially with the issues it has with 1080p 60fps recording.
Any thoughts and speculations are most welcome.
Any links to it not being available for a couple of months and the recording issues?