Partner is looking for some cheap dresses for when visiting relatives soon. And wow from memory buying Chinese dresses would been around $5 but now everything is either $60 or $30 and $20+ shipping what happened.
What's with eBay dress pricing used to be $5 now everything is $60 from China?
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Shipping costs have gone up dramatically as of recent times, as has processing and customs fees etc sellers have to pay to export goods
Probably less competition, costs to produce have gone up due to less resources over there
Possible wage increases and inflation meaning we as the consumer pay moreMany reasons I guess…
Are you guessing or making statements of fact?
A little from column A and a little from column B. Waa waa, I am the Lindberg baby.
Unless you live under a rock "fruit" prices have gone up with a lot of exports
Clearly fact, something you seem to not spew out lately here
Electronic modules and tiny nerd stuff seems to be still ultra cheap as normal. Clothes…what are they again? My fashion is timeless. US ebay has forced US sellers onto exorbitant shipping methods. That's a pain.
The price went up
In september, Hanjin, the worlds seventh largest sea freighter company went bust. Would explain some of the increase.
Can you link to one dress so we can see the style, from that we may know cheaper options.
Search AliExpress.rawm might have explained here — I think it's not just Aliexpress but also eBay. My wife was checking some clothing items on Taobao yesterday and they all marked up the price as well.
This was always going to happen. Got you all hooked in and dependent, then up the prices.
Competition didn't deliver lower prices.