If you are a property investor and have ever used a site like RPdata, you'll know how incredibly useful it is in providing information like:
-The number of days a property has been on the market
-Past sales in the area
-Sale history of that property etc
It's been worth $1000s for me.
Unfortunately it's also $120per month!
My family friend used to have a business and would let me use his account, but sadly he has moved overseas!
I've been reading web forums about the ability to set up 'RP data group buying access'. Where you get six+ users for around 300 per month, making it substancially cheaper for all involved. All above board, within the term and conditions of RPdata.
I'm not entirely sure how to set it up, but I will look into it, if you are interested, let me know!
If you are in one of these groups and want another member, PM me!
P.S. Other similar sites are Realestate Investar and Price Finder
I can work out a lot of that for free. Domain shows sales in the area, sort by date listed and you can work out what has been hanging around for a while, can also give you a suburb report. 'Onthehouse' is a site that lists previous sale prices for properry, I think there is another one too.
It might take a few more minutes to do it. Unless you are buying and selling properties weekly it seems enough to me.