High speed document scanner


My dad has a massive pile of recipts/documents that he hoards in his study. Close to 10,000 pages (runs a small business)

I would like to scan all of them, double sided, also OCR them (text recognition) and store thrm on a hard disk so that I can burn the whole 10,000 paper files!

Getting rid of docs would free up an entire walk in wardrobe.

But is there such an affordable scanner out there under $200?

Want to be able to scan double sided pages 100 an hour?


  • +2

    Serious response here- look for a second hand MFD on eBay. If you're just scanning then looking for one that may have printing issues but scans the way you want. Save $$$

  • Double side scan are very slow, at least 5 times than one side. Better scan all them by one side, then turn over. Using software to combine the files.

  • +1

    $200 will buy you frustration. I had to spend a bit over $3k for a fast and reliable double-sided scanner that took odd paper shapes without trouble. BTW, it was a fujitsu

    • Totally agree. I use the Fujitsu fi6130 and Kodak i1400 at work and it's pure fustration at the best of times.

  • I jumped on ebay and did a word search for high speed scanner and found this newish (looks newish to me) tech:


    They around $120.

    Just a camera attached to overhead tripod and software to boot.

    This could be the answer?

    • Seems like a gimmick. You can use a mobile phone camera based scanner, and I'm sure that will approximate your experience… OK for a few pages, but a headache to get the pages flat, to get the lighting right, to manually set the page border, etc.

    • these are used to "copy" books. very slow.

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