How Do I Become a Web Developer?

Hi All,

Just to set up the scene here. I have a background in finance and project management having graduated from the top business school in Australia.

Then I decided to try my hand at starting a business and while I gained a lot (mainly in the form of knowledge) the venture eventually failed.

Soon after that I got hit by a car during a motorbike ride and I was confined to the couch(I still am). While there(on the couch) I found a platform called bubble which lets me build websites and apps, all without code. I fell in love with this and immensely enjoyed being able to build almost any new software that I could think off. It was super addictive. I then started helping friends out building their websites for them, for free, when I realised this is something that I truly love doing. I often get so engrossed in development that hours can go by feeling like minutes. Anyway, you get the point.

So here is the question. How can I make money off this? I tried getting freelancer jobs via various website without any luck. I don't understand why because I can build apps 5 times as fast for a fraction of the costs of traditional web development. I recently saw a post on here where a couple paid someone a fortune to build a web platform that I could have made in a week, so I definitely think there is a market for my services.

In case anyone is wondering, bubble has scope. Sure it can't do everything, but it certainly can do most things, especially since I combine bubble with HTML coding and API services from around the web. For example I can create a version of twitter, Airbnb and Uber within 2 weeks (1 at a time)

While I get that this post seems a bit like an advertisement (mods, don't get weird on me) I am just asking for general advice.

Oh full disclaimer, I am the guy who made that Prank Sms website.


Before anyone else starts using analogies of packet cakes and prefabricated houses. Check out this app for a demonstration of the range of what I am talking about.

Cheers all!


  • +3

    Get bitten by a radioactive spider.

    Ok serious answer. Build up a portfolio of your created web sites.

    Can't comment too much on your claim of building apps 5x as fast for a fraction of competition, but there's a lot that goes into customizing a substantial website (e.g. frontend stuff, UX design, typesetting).

    • Sure I don't dispute that. UX is something that I am still working on, but I am slowly getting better and more knowledgeable. As for overall build times. If not 5 times faster than at least several times faster. I am not the best code but I can code in ruby fairly decently, compared to me building a product with just code I am way-way faster using bubble. As for the cost, anecdotal evidence. However it is in line with that fact that less time on development = money saved.

      Check these guys out who rely solely on bubble.

      • +1

        For example I can create a version of twitter, Airbnb and Uber within 2 weeks (1 at a time)

        Could you make me a version of Google?

        Let's call it "Scroogle"…

  • I still use that prank sms website, its hilarious yet so cool :D

  • I don't know anything about bubble, but generally, enterprises don't want to rely on a service unless they have good transparency of how it is provided.
    For example, they would rather pay Oracle for a database than rely on an open source one.
    At heart, this is a risk avoidance mechanism, sure, our application may never need the costly features and scalability of Oracle, but if we do the poor IT manager doesn't want to be blamed for making the wrong choice.
    A related problem is the licensing terms of services.
    A quick skim of the terms suggest an enterprise user would have no redress if bubble decided to modify its terms or change their service. Imagine if you built a website collecting the census and then at the last minute bubble removed DDOS support (to make a glib example).
    Their pricing also suggests a bit of lock-in if your scale grows.
    And these types of platforms usually don't scale as well as native applications.

    The upshot is, it might be a nifty platform, but if you want to make money as a web developer you probably need to branch out.
    Otherwise, maybe there are projects for bubble developers? Then all these concerns go by the wayside.

    • +1

      I think you hit the crux of the problem. Even though bubble offers dedicated hardware to host a private site their workflow engine is their sole property.

      Although on their forums I know of a few companies who have used bubble at scale, including a danish financial services company who uses bubble for everything from front-end presence to loan approvals.

  • +1

    what can you do that thousands of other people out there can't?

    can you work cheaper than some guy in mumbai?

    • +1

      Well as someone who has used the services of a guy in mumbia, a key differentiator is that I have a better chance at understanding what the business requires. As a business generalist, I understand the problem that they are trying to solve rather than just put up a web page and run off with the money.

  • +3

    Watch this video and it'll tell you everything.

    • Great video! Sums up web development in 2016 quite nicely. Not sure if I agree with everything in the video, but there are a few things I have never heard of in the video. This will give me something to do in my free time. :)

  • I skimmed through it. That is precisely why I like using bubble.

  • +1

    You need to learn actual programming languages plus HTML, CSS, JS. Utilising existing frameworks and libraries can greatly increase your productivity.

    Bubble is fine to play around in and build some small scale websites but you can forget anything that is designed to make serious money. It is also very niche, the customer is basically locking themselves into you.

  • I am a somewhat decent coder and I often use HTML and css along with bubble.

    I would have agreed with that statement until I came across actual successful businesses made with bubble. Here is an example.

    However I agree with you in the sense that bubble is currently best used for proof of concept/prototyping.

    in fact I think the Qoins guys will eventually scale up to something more custom.

    • +1

      lol, you aren't helping by providing that example. i opened that page in my browser which isn't in full screen mode and the phone image covers over half of the navigation buttons.

      • Yeah, it is weird that their website isn't responsive. Responsiveness is very easy to do in bubble however they haven't done it for some reason.

        Although, ozbargain isn't responsive either, like a million other modern sites.

        • Although, ozbargain isn't responsive either

          ?? Ozbargain most definitely is responsive and works very well on mobile.

 is also responsive - it's just not been done properly, the top part of the page with the phone image completely falls apart on smaller screens


  • +1

    Do a proper degree related to the field? lol

    Try Software engineering or computer science. There's no way I would hire a commerce chump over an engineer or proper programmer.

    • 3 years doing another masters? No, don't think I can

      The thing is no way I can compete with engineers working at google, nor do I want to. However I mean for things like the majority of small business websites and internal apps I can do using bubble.

      For example. I can create a website like Ozbargin no issues(not to try and steal their users…) within 2 weeks(maybe more maybe less)

      Maybe I will call it…

      • +2

        If you legitimately believe that, then you should investigate the Dunning-Kruger effect

      • Just understand one thing. Native is where the magic is. People pay you for writing native code. Bubble is a platform built for DIY websites. People who want to get a website can use bubble on their own, they don't necessarily need you. And what are you going to do if bubble shuts down? Are you going to build their website on wix? What about the downtime while you do that, who's responsible for that? Can you provide support if the customer wants a specific change that bubble doesn't let you change? What will you do if bubble becomes paid? I'm not even sure if you can use bubble for commercial purposes.

  • "Bubble" will get you no where.

    • care to elaborate why?

      • A small platform that has lock in. Apple, Google et al can get away with it because they are huge.
        Also freelance sites either want experienced web devs to do custom stuff or super cheap Indians.

        However if you come up with some good website ideas yourself and monetise them maybe. :)

        • :( I think that is the biggest obstacle, but perhaps it can also be a positive?

          For example. If a client wants to change something i.e text, formatting, they can do it themselves in real time rather than go through someone else.

        • @Geochiv: A lot of CMSs already over that. What about looking for small businesses or charities that need websites and explaining the benefits?

        • +1


          For example. If a client wants to change something i.e text, formatting, they can do it themselves in real time rather than go through someone else.

          I think this is a major obstacle.
          With so many template based platforms available in this day and age, virtually any one can make a basic web site.
          Those that are wanting the flexibility to edit there site inhouse are highly likely to end up making their own site IMO?
          Whilst there is still a market for the service you are describing, I would imagine your market is quiet limited.
          Is there enough of a market for you to survive on?

          I applaud your initiative and I think its brilliant you have stumbled into an industry where you are clearly thriving and I certainly hope you follow your dreams as most will not. By the sounds of it your prepared to back your self and roll the dice. Pull the trigger and start chewing!

        • @Cheap Charlie: Hey thanks for this!

          Just to correct you, bubble doesn't offer any templates what so ever. If you want to build an e-commerce platform you have to start from scratch.

          Sorry I just wanted to make sure there's no misconception.

      • +1

        real web developers don't use a CMS system. In CMS you tell the system what you want and it spits out a cookie-cutter, although functioning website that you can use.

        But knowing how to use CMS doesn't make you an employable web developer because a web dev needs to know the underlying code that makes webapps work and they also need to understand how computers work on a very fundamental level (that is, how a client talks to a server).
        Front end designers need to know HTML and CSS, and Javascript, whilst back end developers need to know languages like Python, Ruby or GoLang.

        If you went on and plugged in web developer, HTML, CSS and JS are pretty much essential skills.

        • I am not looking to work as an engineer. All I want to do it make websites and apps for people, especially small businesses.

        • +2

          @Geochiv: That's like saying "I don't want to be a builder, I just want to make houses and apartments for people."

          Sure, you can make houses with prefab kits and little skill, but they'll have a lot of limitations that reflect in how much people are willing to pay you for them. Pay peanuts, get monkeys.

        • -2

          @the-mal: I have to say, your analogies don't really relate. For example, let's use this more appropriate analogy. "You don't need to have a phd in civil construction to build a hut"

          Also I am happy with "peanuts" relative to charging 30K for a website I can build in a week.

        • @Geochiv: Simple websites don't cost 30k. They cost $50. Including hosting.

          A website for 30k would have a lot more attention paid to features, UX, scalability, security, integrations etc.

          You'd be competing with the guys who charge $50, not 30k.

  • +6

    First off, visual programming languages aren't new, they've been around for decades upon decades, and they've always promised the world… Yet we still have developers.


    For one, the 80/20 rule. You'll be able to get an app/site up and running in no time flat. So productive. So easy. But then you need a feature that Bubble doesn't offer… How do you extend it? That last 20% of features you need will end up causing you to have to move away from bubble, or develop on top of the core of bubble.

    Secondly, speed. Every dealt with a clunky website or webapp? It sucks. Code generators produce generically optimised code. It'll work, but the moment the performance hits a wall you've got no ability or skills to tweak the performance.

    Thirdly, severe vendor lock-in. Bubble goes under… Then what? Bubble starts charging much bigger fees. Then what? Bubble gets hit with a security flaw scandal. Then what? Your skills aren't remotely transferable. That's a lot of eggs in one basket.

    What you're saying is the equivalent of saying "I can make a packet cake, so why shouldn't I open a restaurant?". Sure, a very small fraction of people will be thrilled with a packet cake, but most will want more, or will feel ripped off when they pay restaurant prices for a packet cake.

    If visual programming allowed us to do away with developers, we wouldn't spend a fortune on the best and brightest developers. The concept of visual programming is just as flawed now as it was with the CASE tools of the 80's and 90's. You'd be much better off using the basic concepts of development you've learned via Bubble and transposing them to a lower level but much more flexible language and framework (Python/Django or Flask, Ruby/Rails, Node/Express etc etc).

    • I can't seem to overcome the barrier in the discussion that I am not trying to compete with engineers. Sure we need developers and engineers, however I believe they should apply their skills on creating sophisticated innovative products, rather than build a web front for the local pizza shop. While i believe that CMS platforms have been out there forever, none have until now been able to do anything nearly as sophisticated as bubble. For example you would be hard pressed creating an app like tinder using or webflow, however it was easy to do with bubble.

      I agree with the premise that you would be taking on idiosyncratic risk when using bubble. However think of the benefits it offers.

      The other thing is speed. I tried uploading a csv with a million data points and it worked fine, however things do start to slow down a bit at that level. So I guess if a business just wants a simple app like an e-commerce platform or a booking system bubble should be able to handle that with ease. If they want the next version of facebook with hundreds of thousands of users than bit tough.

      Check out that I build. Behind the scenes, I have workflows constantly sending dozens of data points to mixpanel for analysis as well as payment processing and content filtering and animations running all at the same time. It sill hasn't slowed down(I haven't made it responsive yet though). That app, all in all took only about 10 hrs of solid work to make.

      You seem very knowledgeable so let me ask you the question, what if I positioned myself as the guy who can make really quick software prototypes and proof of concept kind of stuff? Do you think people would pay for that?

      • what if I positioned myself as the guy who can make really quick software prototypes and proof of concept kind of stuff? Do you think people would pay for that?

        In all honesty? Probably not. The major point of a POC is to test the tech stack and skills to get it up and running. And even if it's not a tech focused POC and you are POC-ing for UX reasons then you'd hire a designer.

        The thing is, and you'd know this, to earn money you've got to be offering a discernible skill. The simpler the skill, the less time I save by hiring you. If Bubble is, as per their own material, able to be mastered in hours and I'm a small business on a shoestring budget, why would I pay you over doing it myself, or getting my slightly tech savvy son/daughter/friend to do?

        It's really about articulating what actual service you're offering, and what the price point is. You won't beat overseas devs on price, you won't beat local devs on talent, you won't beat wysiwyg template websites on price or speed…so where do you target?

        I still stand by my point that you've now got the start of a skill base, and the best move is to expand it. Try something other than Bubble. Maybe it'll reinforce how perfect bubble is, maybe it'll show how limited it can be. But as to whether a "Bubble master" is enough of a skill to earn you money? Id wager it isn't. Sorry to be a killjoy, I really do wish you luck with it all.

  • You seem very passionate about this Bubble platform. Maybe you can try and see if Bubble is hiring? With your back story, it would seem like you are a good example of people being able to repurpose their lives using Bubble.

    • Would love to. However, I won't go so far as to say I have repurposed my life with bubble. It's merely a tool, 1 of a dozen I use to create apps.

  • +3

    General advice to people who want to be software developers (including web developers):

    Create a GitHub account and contribute to open source projects on a regular basis.

    This is the best way to demonstrate that you can write quality code AND work with other developers.

    • I have in the past. At uni I made a script using ruby to log into a users lms and automatically download lecture content.

      Very useful during exam time when you need to go through all the lecture material.

      The difference now is I do not want to be coding. It's not as much fun as using bubble. Debugging for a traditional app actually makes me want to run into a brick wall lol

      • +4

        Not to be snarky, but these aren't remotely the same thing.
        It's like somebody saying to be a great violinist you need to practice every day, and you replying I learnt 3 blind mice in the 3rd grade on recorder so I think my credentials are sound.

  • +2

    You said you have a background in finance, so maybe an analogy:
    You might know of
    It is a super easy personal finance budgeting tool.
    It is suitable for the vast bulk of private individuals to run their finances.
    It would also likely be useful for sole contractor businesses to handle their finances.
    You might even be able to use it successfully to run a small business' accounting needs.

    But a real business needs a MYOB or XERO or SAP or Dynamics.
    If you came along and said "I want a job setting up business accounting systems" there is a ready market in integrating MYOB/XERO/SAP etc.
    But if you come along and said, "I want a job setting up business accounting systems based on" most potential customers are either going to say "hey, that is easy enough, I'll do it myself" or "That really doesn't have all the things I need, either now or where I see my needs growing."

    In this analogy, people in this thread are saying to you the opportunity to work in this field requires you to learn the complicated systems "like engineers", because there is no employment opportunity in knocking up simple drag and drop websites for others.

    A lot of your responses indicate you have a cursory knowledge of 'coding' similar to a proficient computer user, but that you don't have an understanding of the issues involved in creating websites, at least on the development side.

    Perhaps you might like to be a UX designer? That might give you the enjoyable part with options for employment/contracting?

    • Okay I see where you're coming from. However wouldn't a better analogy be Wordpress? Sure it's meant to be build it yourself yet people are paid big bucks to develop wordpress site.

      While it only takes about 10 hrs (they claim) to start using bubble, to create more complex apps using api's and html requires some proficiency. Which is why businesses such as and who are doing amazingly well.

      • -1

        agr snark attack! LOL

        Just kidding. I was just trying to prove the point that I have some basic proficiency in traditional programming.

  • +3

    Hi. My first piece of advice is stop underquoting :p Saying you can make Twitter, AirBNB or Ozbargain in 2 weeks makes you look a bit junior. The vast majority of the work is unglamourous behind the scenes interfacing. Most reputable websites go through longer freeze periods than you are quoting development. Getting some spinning or flaming logos in a browser isn't where the work is spent. Sorry but I think you do need a relevant qualification and time working on group projects to understand and be commercial.

    • I think a good demonstration would be

      Please check it out to see what I mean by that.

      • The thing is, the actual underlying software is often only a small part. When the internet on phones was emerging, I was working interfacing billing systems in the US for all US and Canadian carriers. I saw salesmen lie and extort product placement on the carrier portals. They were crazy skullduggerous times. I can and did write much of the software of a formerly listed ASX company once valued in the 250 millions, BUT the business and sales side is near everything in the equation. I saw other programmers try and fail to go out on their own.

        I am a programmer, but more of my time was spent cultivating users and massaging carrier business people. The technical solution is only a small side…and the risk is huge. You will need big expensive public indemnity insurance. Have you looked at that?

        • hmm I see what you mean however I am just interested in setting up businesses with their required web front and that's that. I don't see how I will require public indemnity insurance. Not in this context anyway.

  • OK. Dazzle me with your testing knowledge and regime :) Testing multiple browsers on multiple desktop and mobile OS and OS versions quickly degenerates into hundreds of combinations. We had rooms and rooms full of devices, some could only be tested in the US etc. All has to be done again after changes. Testing is a very expensive part of web dev and often overlooked because something looks ace on one dev browser.

    How many actual testing platforms have you got now?

  • Whilst Bubble may sound promising, just like everyone else has said, it's not a skill that's scalable. At best you can try becoming a freelancer for small businesses to get them up and running. I've never even heard of this platform and I'm a web developer. What if you want to throw it in and get a job instead? Even Wordpress is a better choice as one of the most popular CMS's used on the web today - so it actually has plenty of jobs open for it. Here's a breakdown of what you should learn:

    HTML - easy to pick up.
    CSS - finicky, but there are plently of references
    Javascript - The programming side and a step up from the others.
    jQuery - Highly recommended as it's still quite popular and will teach you CSS targeting at the same time.

    Then transition towards server side coding with PHP or NodeJS.

    • +1

      i could do with some help with the jQuery/CSS side of things. i find the server side part easy, but client side not so good.

      • Haha I guess we both want to be full stack but we approached it from opposite ends.

        Even though jQuery is slated to be on the way out with frameworks like Angular or other libraries like React, I still find jQuery super easy to get up and running. It'll teach you CSS targetting at the same time and you'll find analogous ways to implement things in Angular/React.

  • Learn some Rails.
    Replace your HTML with HAML, your JS with Coffeescript, and CSS with SCSS/SASS/whatever they call it these days.
    Be happy that your speed of development has now gone up 500%.

  • +2

    If a first year finance/project management student came to you and said no one wants to invest in my amazing computerised trading options idea that I've come up with by somewhat changing the settings of this free open source version of it - what would you say to them?

    I think you need to come up with a proper business plan for what you want to do. Just pulling together some websites and then wondering why no one is hiring you suggests inexperience and a lack of focus. The problem with inexperience is that it is usually an incredibly unconscious thing - there's four stages to competence, I'll outline them for you:

    1. Unconsciously uncompetent - you don't realise what you don't know.
    2. Consciously incompetent - you're all too aware of what you don't know (this is the toughest stage, where people get depressed and give up)
    3. Unconsciously competent - where you've not given up, have kept on plugging away in spite of the resulting depression, and are suddenly very good but you haven't realised it yet.
    4. Consciously competent - this is the point where you are aware of your own experience and know how to use it (this is about the ten-year mark doing any one thing).

    Do a business plan. They're eye opening and difficult to complete and by no means guarantee success but if you've correctly identified a gap in the market, then you need to cost it and work out how to make it work for you. You've got a lot of knowledge from your first business venture, take that and try again.

    And remember - FAIL = First Attempt In Learning.

    Good luck.

  • -1

    dont do it man, every single computer guy who isnt mark suckerberg will tell you, it's not worth it

    • +1

      Disagree, I've worked in IT For twenty years and still love it.. Sat on my a$$, earned good money, got fat and eaten loads of biscuits ….

      • yea sure, if you enjoy being a has-been like all the public servants, there are always places that let you do that

        • Work for myself pal. Sorry you hate your life so much , as to make unwarranted assumptions and be a bully.

          I probly am a has been coding wise but the guys I employ and pay well are brilliant

        • -3

          exactly my point. You must be one of those 'nice' managers watching guys work hard

        • @holyland: you make absolutely no sense. Your three points all are unintelligent.

          My guys do work hard but only 4 day weeks, that's why they all get 100k plus minimum with a car, some a lot more.

          For the record I'm not a manager, I'm a joint owner, I pay people to manage

        • -2

          cool story bro

        • @holyland: reply of a champion

  • Before anyone else starts using analogies of packet cakes and prefabricated houses. Check out this app

    So here's the rub on that site. The functionality of Twitter is incredibly simple - it's a simple messaging service. The cleverness of Twitter is that it's been able to scale to service 6,000 Tweets per second, that's around 500,000,000 messages a day.

    I could knock up a technical clone of Twitter in a few hours, but it wouldn't scale. Neither will It's a visual clone with the very, very basic fundamentals of a Twitter like service - it is in no way analogous to Twitter.

    Also after playing around on that site for under 2 mins I've found the search doesn't work for me. It also doesn't scale the UX for mobile (80% of Twitters active users are via mobile). And it doesn't preserve state very well (the back button has inconsistent behaviour). If that site were put through actual testing, it'd fail 50 ways from Friday.

    Sure, it looks like Twitter. That's where the similarities end.

    • Telstra's complaints database can scale to that though

  • Build a profile of 5-6 different websites for small businesses(fake ones for demo).

    Go door knocking at all the small business you know in your local area without a website, eg your chicken shop, framing shop, plumber etc. Sell your services. Accept a small fee, and continue to offer support for their website.

    you cant sit on your ass expecting work to flow into your lap

  • Create your own website showing your skills and that you are offering your services. Sort of a live resume.

    Spread the word out to friends, local business. If someone talks to you, hey, you've got a new customer.

    Potential customers will ask for prices, what they can expect to get (this is where your portfolio comes in), and when they can get it. Go for it. I think the biggest issue is looking for customers.

  • I wonder if this guy became a web dev. I hope so!

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