Looks like the cheapest on staticeice
Next cheapest is $329.00 at computer alliance and it has strings attached.
EDIT: shipping cost not included
Looks like the cheapest on staticeice
Next cheapest is $329.00 at computer alliance and it has strings attached.
EDIT: shipping cost not included
pretty sure it's free
In their past deals shipping has been free. If you get to the paypal page and no shipping is added on you can probably be pretty sure this one is the same.
You have to start the checkout to find out.
This one doesn't state that postage is free, only that there's no PayPal surcharge. With the flash drives they had the other day you had to pay postage and a surcharge.
shipping is $8 for me
It really depends on the location you are. But the range around $6~14 I think.
Anyone got their SSD's yet?
err that deal only came up on Friday. Today is at most 1 working day later. I dont think anyone would have got theirs yet. It is probably only being posted today.
I know, I know… I'm just impatient :P
Yes, I have received my SSD. Shipped today, received today. It's as described, G2, authentic. Thank you for the sale!
I got my VX nano mouse today which I ordered on Thursday. So I would have to say there turn around time is excellent! I would expect people to start getting their SSDs from tomorrow.
question - AUD or USD?
AUD of-cause.
cool i thought so. just saw the .com address not .au it's happened to me once or twice before :P
And a + from me :)
Thanks goes to the PricesEngine team… Really good deal…
Any news of SSD deals again? Would be interested in OCZ Vertex 2 deals if Intel is not available…
Ohhh… Got charged a Palpal surcharge though… What's the deal there?
Me too, cheers for the deals.
more SSD please! great deals btw.
Another SSD deal would be good.
SSD! :-)
picked up Dell 23" monitor for $160.
now picked up CPU for $300.
slowly but cheaply gathering everything for my new pc!
any sales coming up soon on a 5870?
and another SSD deal would be awesome.
you still need good motherboard and casing!
motherboard im after: Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R Intel X58A LGA1366 Motherboard Raid
case: Antec Nine Hundred Two Gaming Black ATX Tower Case
PSU: Corsair TX-650 650W Power Supply
It's 290USD in newegg.com, so I think this is quite a bargain. I don't think there can be many huge discounts on CPUs.
Most of them are bundled prices
If its cheaper than MSY by $63 then its pretty cheap.
when it comes to PC components 10% off the lowest available price could be consider a bargain. have you found a price cheaper then $299? No, I don't think you have. The cheapest non bundle price is $340, not to mention the average price being around $360.
yet another 'not good enough' post from someone who hasnt even contributed themselves. give the OP a break mate, least they took the time to tell us.
Deal is pretty good… Especially since I was planning on building a new I7 system anyways…
If I purchased locally (VIC) the cheapest (non-bundled) price on staticice would be just over $30 more and atleast an hours drive away, next would be over $40 and still needs a drive into the city.
A bonus is that I usually start work early and finish late, so there's no chance for me to drop in at any stores either.
Still a plus for PricesEngine for bringing the deals to us…
Please minniewu post more ssd on your site rather than the i7 cores, i dont think they'll be sold out anytime soon because there is not as much demand for them. those intel 80gb ssd for $229 was awesome, too bad i missed out! :(
yeah we all want SSD so many missed out with 1-2 limit as well.
core i7 needs new MB ram not will be buying i'm guessing..
SSD please
The full pricing to WA metro(6150) is $308.24 AUD
just brought 1 :3
the extra 9.24 was listed as postage charge
Thanks for the info. A very good deal overall… pity the recent AUD currency drop bumped up the prices of motherboards and graphics cards…
Would love to have a system with i7-930….
I've heard from a friend who purchased something from pricesengine recently and was informed that they will only post to a "verified" paypal account (you need to verify your PayPal account). For the free HDMI cable, they were happy to post it to any Paypal account.
Could someone confirm whether that's the case? I think a verified account requires linking to a bank account (just a credit card is not sufficient).
Yes it is. The reason why we don't accept the Paypal account which is not verified by paypal, it's because we can save our time on the credit card verification. And spend our time on the good deal for everyone.
So please make sure you have your paypal account verified.
pricesengine team
i made the purchase with a verified paypal account, because you get a monthly limit on unverified paypal accounts
To vertify a paypal account do you need a credit card or can you vertify by just using a bank account?
I used my bank account to verified my paypal, but according to ehow you can also get verified by using "paypal plus credit card".
@Trance N Dance: Yes, it's part of the User Agreement
Without limiting the foregoing, our Service is not available to minors (under 18), to persons who are suspended from our Service, persons acting in the capacity of agent, or trust entities.
SSD Please =)
SSSSSSSSSSSSSDDDDDDDDD (think thats enough SS's)
Hmmm CPU sold out
SSD deal, next, please, with a 1-2 limit per customer.
I have a laptop designed for a SSD, but have the HD version, so would love to get the Intel 80Gb SSD!
round 2…
Just bought one. Was hoping for some deal to make my decision between i7 and X6 easier xD
oh and $6.76 to Sydney if anyone wants to know.
Pretty cheap
my nephew cancelled his order yesterday so if anyone wants one contact Pricesengine to see if you can grab it.
that's cheap, how much is the postage?