for those who missed out the $489.98 outright deal, this is not too bad at all as $960 for 24 months contract with: 2GB data (music streaming for free), unlimited calls and txts as well as $50 credit for International :)
iPhone SE 16GB $40 Plan VirginMobile 1+1 = 2GB Data (Rollover Monthly) + Unlimited Calls/Txt and $50 International

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Stream your music with no data charges on Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio and Google PlayTM Music.
Fair Use Policy applies. For use in Oz. Stream until 31/01/18 and up to 512kbps.
Downloads, tethering and non-music content excluded. Streaming services subject to change at any time. See for details.inb4 "what's even the point of a phone with 16gb"
This is a good deal for those who don't use their phone much.
Virgin's customer support is good, in fact you can actually go to a brick and mortar store (compared to Vaya and the likes).
Reception is decent (depending on where you live).
The phone has very good battery life for an iOS device and is the "fastest" one with a headphone jack. The OS is buttery smooth on this thing!Point taken, but what's even the point of a phone with 16gb?
lots of people are lame and use facebook and take a few snaps so they dont need the 12 available gigs
for most people it is enough or not, depends. look at how the $489.98 deal sold out so quickly then you can see there are still a lot of people out there after just a great phone with just enough storage for them, exclude me though :) im happy with 7 plus 256 jet black and a 64gb se as spare
im happy with 7 plus 256 jet black and a 64gb se as spare
Why do you need 64gb se as a spare? Wouldn't a 16gb suffice like in the deal you just posted…
got the 16GB before 7 series out, got rid of the 16gb se when 7 plus offered from business partner for just 1450 brand-new, sold the 16gb se then wanted a pocket friendly phone for traveling hence got the 64gb
Thats a bargain price for a 7 plus. I still miss my SE but couldn't turn down a great price on 6s recently.
@ShamelessBargains: mainly because he upgraded phone contracts for staff and there is no way to give staff those phones as their 6 and 6 plus still going well, that's why he had a stack of them to offer and I snapped 1 jet 1 matte and 1 rose
also, stay away Jet Black if you could as I had to sell my 7 Plus Jet Black as soon as I realised those micro-scratches (only obvious under bright light) even I use soft cloth to wipe finger prints and kept in case all the time
yeah I have heard the scratching is pretty bad. Seems a bit ridiculous considering the main point of buying the Jet Black is to enjoy its special casing when in reality it will need a case.
@ShamelessBargains: those micro-scratches happen with every colours, it's just the shiny surface makes those micro-sctaches obvious, whether you use a case or not you still have to clean/wipe the phone after a while and that's also how the scratches built up, very ridiculious, even people willing to pay $1800-2000 when launched
optus used to have $40/month for iphone SE, but don't know why they jack the price up to $45 now.
Optus wanted to ofer double data for the plan next to $40 but withdrew at last minutes, I've been expected to get 7GB data plan that is just slightly more expensive than the $40 plan. hope Optus will roll it out soon
wish they have a deal on the 64gb
Not a bad deal. Love the iPhone SE and I picked up the 64GB model - had it for a week now and so far so good. The only pain was trying to find a cheap SE/5S case as many stores have sold out their 5S case stock. Ended up picking a few from Kmart for $3 each.
I got the $65 deal for the 64GB model with 5GB data.
Current usage on mobile phone is 5.9GB but I've only got 20 photos and 10 spotify albums stored on here.
Note that Virgin charge a 1% transaction fee for direct debit/credit auto payments.
it works out $19.60 per month for 2GB data and unlimited calls and txts + $50 international credits (25' calls equivalent) after - $489.98 as cheapest cost of the phone so far