Hi All,
Recently I lost a Personal USB Drive, at work..which was handed in to the office staff, it was accessed by some staff..(I'm employed by a MAJOR AUSTRALIAN BASED RETAIL ORGANIZATION..ie the Big Red/Green Shed)
I approached the staff to check the lost/found,one member checked for me, and said it wasn't their( this being true)
The other staff member just said 'it wasn't their', but I have later found out that she knows all my Banks account totals, websites, my emails have been looked at, when I haven't even read them!!.
Other staff members who are close to this person, have mentioned materials, which only can be found on his drive.
The USB Drive did turn up,placed in my pigeon hole.( but it had already been looked at)
Use the 'Code of Conduct', formal complainant ( but what happens if the Manager dismisses the complainant'
Personally speak to the said team member's
Take legal action.
What in your view to the best turn of action to proceed.
Thanks guys your feed back is very much appreciated.
Not sure what to do, but if you have all that personal info on a usb drive, I assume you would have it encrypted.