Newbie question on home networking

Can anybody help me on this as I am not a networking expert and I am trying to help a friend who knows even less than me (blind leading the blinder)!!

  1. I am successfully remoting in to a friend's computer in Chile using Teamviewer.
  2. Their internet/modem router (router 1) has a LAN address of
  3. I need to be able to reconfigure a different modem/router (router 2) that they have.
  4. The problem is that other modem/router (router 2) also has its LAN address set as
  5. So if I ask them to connect router 2 to an ethernet port on the back of their modem/router (router 1) providing their internet service, won't I get a conflict in IP addresses?
  6. How can I access the modem/router (router 2) with the same IP LAN address?

Is the only way to firstly change the LAN IP address of the currently connected router (router1)? If I do this then presumably I would also then have to change the gateway address of all other devices I have set up like IP cameras etc - a pain!!

many thanks.


  • Is the only way to firstly change the LAN IP address of the currently connected router (router1)?

    That's how I do it.
    Change router1
    connect router2
    change router2
    change back router1

  • First things first, is modem 2 configured to give your friend in Chile access to internet when connected with modem 1 disconnected, and tested access by you with TV?
    If not this must be done, otherwise how will you connect to change settings?

    • At present, modem 2 is not ready to connect to internet ISP as I need to change some config parameters in it first (hence issue). The idea is that modem 2 will replace modem 1 when completed. That is why I needed to be able to access it (modem 2) from AUS first.

    • I think my idea is that if I make changes to modem 2, he can swap out modem 1 to test modem 2. If it does not connect properly, he can alwats then swap back to modem 1 to make further changes on modem 2 etc. Does that make sense?

      • OK, gotcha. makes sense. If they have a spare plug in computer, you can plug 2nd modem into it.
        Then you will need to do an arp set command with the MAC address of the 2nd modem.(you will need them to send you an email with photo of sticker on bottom of 2nd modem)

        e.g. - arp -s xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx

        This will set the 2nd modem to the IP of, as far as the computer is concerned. You will then be able to make the required changes.
        Of course, this is not changing the actual IP of the 2nd modem, it is simply a 'pointer' to it.
        Hope this helps!

        • Ah, ok, thanks dlf73. I will check out that arp set command, I was not familiar with what it can do. Yes, I can easily get the MAC addresses of both modems. And yes, there is one computer at the other end. Its that computer, via TV, that I connect to and then hence to the modem/router. I guess I could also just connect to the router directly from here, because I think I set up a DDNS on it using DYNDNS from memory, if that makes sense.

        • @GOCAT9: Does modem 1 have free ports on back? You may be able to change IP of modem 1 to say, then plug modem 2 into back of modem 1, and with luck routing will sort itself out and you can connect to modem 2 from PC! Worth a try!

          Back to original questions, I take it other devices(cams, etc) are static? Why not set to DHCP, then dont have to worry about it! If not/cannot set DHCP, just make sure 2nd modem keeps IP so they all work.

        • @dlf73: Yes, modem 1 has 4 LAN ports, like most routers I guess. I could then try your suggestion, or I guess for that matter I might as well do what hellbound suggests as it also requires a modem 1 IP change.

          yes, Cams are on static IP addresses. I could set to DHCP I suppose, its just I prefer static as I always know how to address them from a computer on the same LAN. Thanks for the suggestions

        • @GOCAT9: no worries buddy happy to offer advice. Hope it works out for you without too much hair loss…..

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