MY TAX 2016 - Lodgement after The Online Cut off, Is It Possible?

So the MY TAX cut off is Monday. The import previous years tax info from Etax (Depreciation Schedules etc) is only just now sort of working. Error message has gone, but it has multiple versions of the same property which need to be fixed.

Basically I dont think I'm going to make the cut off as I was hoping the import feature would get fixed.

Previously with Etax after the online lodgement had closed you could still print it off and send it in.

Anyone know if this is still an option with MY TAX?

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Australian Taxation Office
Australian Taxation Office


  • Give them a call tomorrow and ask for an extra few days. I did that a few years ago and they gave me a whole month.

    • Cheers. I'll try first thing.

  • +1

    Yes you can still lodge.

    The due date for an individual is 31 Oct. you can still lodge but you might get a late lodgment fee of $150. This is auto applied. i assume there's a grace period but I'm not really sure. If you get a refund it won't apply.

    If you do get a penalty just call up and get them to remit it. they should no problem.

    • I could not find this $150 late fee on ATO website. Do you have the reference handy?

      A friend of mine is over-seas and is planning to lodge his current tax returns together with next year's returns. Does the late fee apply in that case too?


        It's actually 180 now.

        I wouldn't worry too much about it. The system aims to encourage you to lodge, not punish you for it.

        Even if you're late, if you're getting a tax refund you don't get a penalty.

        Otherwise, I don't know how the system works out whether to do it automatically or not. I think if it's repeated failure to lodge, or they send you a warning letter first. But im 98% sure you wont get a penalty if you're a few months late.

        Again, even if the penalty gets auto applied, you will 99.5% get it remitted by just a phone call.

        • Thanks for the reference. I'll let my friend know.

  • +1

    I lodge late all the time.

    Last year I caught up on 4 years worth for me & my wife (wife is the slack one & I can't lodge until she is ready). Some was done online, others on hard copy.

    I didn't get any fines but I was due a refund on all 8 returns. Being due a refund doesn't guarantee you won't get fined. I did get a letter saying I was a naughty boy and don't do it again. I have a collection of them.

    Ironically, this year my wife is ready to lodge & I'm not ready. She is really annoyed with me. "Now you can see what I've put up with for the past 25 years" I said. /shakes head.

  • +1

    I normally have an 8hr flight in November when I do my tax using Etax. However, it appears the new Mytax needs an internet connection (no offline version) and I couldn't get a straight response from the ATO if you can print off a paper version of MyTax (he was adamant you couldn't do it either with the previous Etax), which you clearly can as I have submitted a paper print out of Etax in November for the last 6 years. They just say if you do it yourself it has always had to be online… anyway…

    The Etax depreciation schedule import feature still doesn't work properly so they gave me a 2 week extension.

    Hopefully they provide an offline version again as travel time is a great time to get your tax out the way.

  • +1

    I haven't lodged on time in years. Did last years in Feb this year. Never been fined.

  • Damn good to know I was worried and lodge last night but actually still waiting for some documents. Now I will need to do amendment later next year.

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