no way we can get free candy tonight. we are playing with 10 people only now.

Do we miss out even if it's a draw?
"Free Candy if Australia Beats Ghana!"
final, this is 1-1. this is over, no free candy
Naww.. no free candy :(
Booo Socceroos, cost me my free lollies! :P
Aw, stayed up for this! D:
Maybe we can get free lollies via the GhanaBargain site? ;-)
nope, ghana didn't win either. damn technicalities!
C'mon QQQ, release the candy anyway! We didn't exactly lose :)
So what will happen to these 500 'prepared' boxes then?
Probably the staff eat them.
naww… no more free candies ):
draw game 1-1
come one QQQ, sell it for $5. i am ready now!!!
Come on QQQ release em anyway, we need some comfort food to heal our broken hearts when that bastard of a ref lifted the red card.
yeah, that ref should give 2 red cards to ghana, but he didn't.
Haha I was sitting there all night hoping that one of the three (which should've been two reds) yellow cards would make a second "red" (ie yellow) card foul and get sent off.
can someone do testing the number please? i am starting to try the number from 5880 - 5900, can anyone do from 5800-5880 please…as if the bad calls were bad enough, we were robbed of injury time too!!
The deal not going ahead justifies the deletion of all the listings, and made samfishers whining pretty pointless :)
I was arguing the principal not about this specific listing.
I guess i'll just have to rely on people to post stuff like this in the forums.
Did someone forget to tell the Socceroos they are playing for our free lollies?!