Cheapest I've ever seen it and imo it's the perfect cabin bag considering its weight as most airliners have a strict 7kg restriction nowadays.
Enter the coupon code oz at the checkout and the price will be reduced to $157.50
Cheapest I've ever seen it and imo it's the perfect cabin bag considering its weight as most airliners have a strict 7kg restriction nowadays.
Enter the coupon code oz at the checkout and the price will be reduced to $157.50
I have one of this, I think 1.9kg is the gross weight and the luggage itself weight 1.7kg or even less, as it comes with free roll-up emergency bag and tsa lock inside. Very, very good carry on lugagge, highly recommended. is this the loyalty club you're talking about? can't seem to see any 30% off there. As jackfruit says i think 1.9kg is the gross with the emergency bag included.
Once you sign up they email you the code, signed up yesterday to buy their 1.9kg flylite bag $89 but if this is 1.5kg i will grab this for $136
Just tried it - voucher doesn't work on discounted items? Let alone being stackable.
I bought one at Myer last month during a sale, but sadly paid $197.
No matter, I wanted the bag, and I had vouchers to use. Only cost me $18 in the end.
It is quite clearly labelled "Samsonite's Lightest 1.5kgs" I still have the packaging.
Samsonite site confirms this.…
This is the one I bought.
Best carry on bag.
Curious as in why ?
I've got a generic 1.7kg carry on I bought os a couple of years ago for about 40 euros that works fine.
Not criticising this one at all, just wondering what's special about it as I've never owned a samsonite before.
Only because it's light weight, durable and im confident in the brand. For carry on i dont why anyone wouldn't choose the lightest one possible. I've had lots of generic brands break at the worst possible moment and Samsonite hasn't failed me yet,
Thanks for replying.
I understand what you mean about wanting reliability and not breaking.
My generic's been ok, but I always wonder when I go to the carousel to pick it up :) (it's carry on size, but I check it in)
Not a fan of spinner cases after first traveling with one just a few days ago - too often requires its hand held like a toddler to prevent it running away from me. Needs a wheel lock function, IMHO.
As someone who hates dealing with Jetstar, I dunno man, 7kg limit isn't much when your bag is burning you 2.5kg of that.
I always check stuff in, I really don't think you save that much time not having a check in.
Also I like my carry on to be smaller, more comfortable and able to go under the seat like a normal mid size backpack.
Those of you minimalists who can take a weekends luggage in a 7kg limit, hats off to you.
I don't know why the title was changed to 2.5kg, it's just 1.5. I agree checking in baggage is sometimes more preferable but the extra costs plus having to wait for your bags at baggage reclaim adds time and money. This suitcase's best purpose is as it's name states, for 72 hours/short trips.
I totally forgot about the actual COST nowadays of checking baggage, ugh, flying sucks now.
Is it 7kg total and multiple bags, or just 1 bag, to 7kg for carry on?
I swear I've seen people carry 2 bags in carry on.
7kg hand carry. laptop in a sleeve not included (personal experience.)
small handbags that females carry are excluded also from what I have seen.
AirAsia is 7kg plus a laptop bag .
Only a weekend?
I did 6 days to Hong Kong in June, with one 7kg carry on bag - and still had a couple of things I didn't wear!
Going to the US for 11 days next Feb, and only taking this bag.
However, I do have a good collection of lightweight clothing I keep for travelling, and I do some laundry every second day, while travelling.
Way back when, I used to regularly check in a 40kg case on my travels. I cannot for the life of me, think why I carted so much junk around the world with me. It made travelling really hard.
I am only a new convert to carry on only, but I am getting the hang of it now. Helps me as I now have mobility problems, so cannot manage large cases, and lots of stuff.
argh! just bought from Myer on their get one buy one promo for today only.
so $329 for two that would be $165 each. It did come with a $40 red balloon voucher though for Myer One members.
Any deals for larger luggage?
Excellent bag for short trips and utilising that 7kg cabin baggage limit.
Oh, OZB, I already have a perfectly functional carry on bag, but I just bought this… at least this bag has spinner wheels, so I'm winning!
My bag arrived today. Looks ok.
When did you order? How long did it take?
I ordered on Sunday and arrived on Wednesday.
It's only 5% discount for me - anyone else?
same here, only 5% we need the 10% guys
Its only 5% now, well, I'm still gonna buy this
Why do strandbags have it as 1.9kg…
Their price $195 join their loyalty club free and get a 30% off voucher can be stacked with 10% found elsewhere…