Latest catalog for Dick Smith: on sale 20th June - 2nd July. Purchase Microsoft Office Home & Student 2010 and you get a bonus $99 Surge protector. Available on their website already.
Office 2010 Home & Student Edition with Bonus $99 Surge Protector - $178 @ Dick Smith

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Haha, is this the new anti-piracy strategy, they will send lightning bolts to people who do not have licensed copies of Office? lol!
Also the strategy to target educated people on tight budgets who are the most likely adopters of OpenOffice downloadable for free from
OpenOffice is now in version 3.2.1. If you have never tried it, or haven't tried it lately, then it might be time to have a look at how good it is today.
OpenOffice has a very high level of compatibility with Microsoft's file formats (In fact OpenOffice can open .docx files without a hitch whereas older versions of Word can't understand them without add-ons.) I have mine set to only use Microsoft file formats such as .doc and .xls - so no problem sharing files with others.
It is "open source" free-ware published under a GPL/GNU license and its ongoing development is strongly supported by the Sun Corp. I think MicroSoft are really nervous about more and more people discovering how sophisticated this is these days. That and the improvements in Linux are major threats to their income streams.
- for Open Office. This surge protector usually actually goes for $40
Actually my post was tongue-in-cheek. It just seemed like an incongruous combination of products, office suite and surge protector. Probably DSE combined them.
To tell the truth, I have no copies of Office, licensed or not. I use OpenOffice, but even that very rarely. Mostly for opening spreadsheets of data that I need to import. Writing documents for paper publishing is so last century when so much can be done online.
BTW, the OO team works for Oracle now that they bought Sun. Hopefully Oracle will continue to support its development, but in any case the source is open.
i spose this is ok, i mean the surge protector is overpriced for a surge protector… we have seen past deals for $30 branded surge protectors. However both models (this DSE and the previous belkin deal) have $ warranties - which is good.
Not a pos, nor a neg.
Yea definitely overpriced, was on sale for $39 six months ago.
You can buy Office 2007 H&S with a free upgrade to 2010 for $110-$130 at various computer stores… so really only good if you want the board.
For those thinking of buying, consider: as you now have a choice, would you still want to do business with this man —>
Lol. Clearly it takes special people to run MS ;-)
(slightly off topic but anyway) - at least he was keen lol… but he was very sweaty,… almost as bad as Mark Zuckerberg on the facebook security forum 2 weeks ago
Mark Zuckerberg should be sweating more given facebook privacy and their track record! ;-)
WOW, Nice price..