Hi wondering if donations to wiki is tax deductable?
Is Donation to Wikipedia Tax Deductable?

Poll Options
- 2Yes
- 42No
- 4Not sure
- 1Don't know
no, it's not an ATO recognised charity
To claim a tax deduction, they organisation must be registered as a deductible gift recipient.
If you look up their ABN it says if they have this status or not, and a full list is available from the ATO here:
https://www.ato.gov.au/Non-profit/Gifts-and-fundraising/Tax-deductible-gifts/Deductible-gift-recipients-(DGR)/Wikipedia is not a DGR.
Note that there is a separate thing called an authority to fundraise that groups need to apply for to collect donations. This does not confer any tax deductibility, it's just a record kept by Fair Trading or the equivalent to say that the applicant group isn't an outright fraudster (you have to say what you use the money collected for, and how you keep it separate from other funds etc.)
Finally, Wikipedia does pretty good work, so don't let the lack of deductions stop you donating!
Yes, but only in US.
why wiki?
there are plenty of oz organisations that could use the money.
They fund wikipedia, amongst other things, that must have some of the highest return on investment in history when it comes to learning and information. A local charity like the Smith Family, who I also support, does good work, but my contributions effectively make a difference to maybe one person. A similar contribution to Wikimedia could benefit thousands.
Half the world isn't online yet. How good will it be when they get connected and find a free, massive, up to date encyclopedia, in their own language, already waiting for them.Nice!
Thanks guys for the pole votes and the comments. I was originally "Not Sure", now to "No". It's unfortunate donation to Wikipedia is non tax deducatable in our country. This however doesn't stop me from contributing to their service and as always I donate again this year. I love Wiki.
Just making a donation myself and there is a wiki page on this exact topic!
https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Tax_Deductibility/enBusiness should have ABN/ACN,
then look it up http://www.abn.business.gov.au/,
it will tells you if the donations are tax deductable.
Therefore, wikipedia is NOT tax deductable :)Edit: I like when politicians and celebrities done something dodgy, they donate to charity, so they can claim some back ;)
Isn't it tax deductible under a $100 without receipt…..??
Even without receipt, if it's not eligible, it can not be a tax deduction.
Yes. You can also claim TRS