Its standard to haggle at a car yard ,
maybe like JB hi-fi,
But does anyone ever try haggling at like
Just jeans, or anywhere? Dentist's? restaurants? whatever lol
What shops can you haggle at?

OzBozo on 25/10/2016 - 14:50
Last edited 25/10/2016 - 14:50
Last edited 25/10/2016 - 14:50
Coles, Woolworths, give it a shot and see how you go
You can try at Centrelink.
I haggled at a Fruit shop once. He asked if I was crazy what I offered him! He then banned me for 1 year. I haggled down to a ban for one week. WIN………
No fruit for you! :)
No, too fruity… ;)
I love those plums with the red on the inside.
No soup for you!
eBay. For any eBay listings that has Make an Offer feature.
Haggled my Chinese takeout down 10% tonight..mainly because I didn't want to break another note haha XD
A friend told me they haggled their wedding/engagement rings down at the jeweler (May have been Michael Hill)
Another friend claimed they did it with a house and land package.haggled in court. 10 yrs in jail to 5
I think funeral homes have a big enough markup that you can haggle.