Win 1 of 2 SkyWatcher 10″ Solid Tube Dobsonians Worth $1,100 Each from Tasco
Entry Requirements
To enter, answer the question "What I'm looking forward to seeing in the night sky"
According to this Facebook post, they had 3 to giveaway in total.
One was given away in September, and they will be giving away 1 for October and 1 for November.
Conditions of competition
You must provide your first and last name and a valid email address.
Winners will be drawn at the end of each month and will be contacted by email.
If a drawn winner does not respond within 7 days a new winner will be drawn.
One entry per person. Multiple entries of the same email address will not be accepted.
Entries that didn’t win will go in the draw for the following month/s.
In total Tasco Sales Australia (TSA) will give away 3 telescopes over 3 months.
Entrants will be updated of future give-aways and sent TSA’s Newsletter.