Sanitarium Weet-Bix 575gm $1.79 ( save $1.81) @ Supa IGA on sale from Wednesday 26th October.
How many do you do?
Sanitarium Weet-Bix 575gm $1.79 ( save $1.81) @ Supa IGA on sale from Wednesday 26th October.
How many do you do?
You're a cheap date😀
just checking is Supa IGA essentially IGA?
Usually the specials will be at both, but if you have a small one you might have to check. They are all independents so they can pretty much do what they want
Almost as tasty as cardboard
Ahhhhh. I love weetbix but I hate sanitarium. Let's pretend we are a massive charity and not pay any taxes. Arhhhh
Offer ends October 25th.
Great, my go-to bulking food on sale. Thanks
How many weetbix should go in a bowl you reckon? Should they be dry or totes soggy?
6 and they should be al dente
What's al dente? 6? Carb overload more like it.
What's al dente?
Still firm to the bite but not soggy.
Sorta like a Soggy Sao?
Can we buy these in bulk and sell them to China for $50 per box?
LOL that's scary hearing from him saying it so many times.
Some stuff….. Cheap.
Other stuff…. Not do cheap.
Great news for these Chinese smugglers that are sending foreign students to IGA/Woolies to bag these bargains and pay them $4/hour to pay for their tan/brown hair dyes.