This was posted 8 years 4 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

50% or 75% off Any One Movie Purchase @ Google Play (Chromecast Users Only)


Found this while browsing through the Movies & TV section on Google Play through my phone. It should appear on your Chromecast Offers page as linked but I'm unable to confirm this as I don't have my Chromecast with me. You'll have to find this offer and activate it first before you can get the discount. It appears to work on movie bundles too which is a decent bonus.

If you are a targeted user (it seems most Chromecast users are) you will be offered 50% or 75% off a movie and/or 50% or 75% off a rental.

Screenshot with terms and conditions here. Enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • I dont get this, checked on phone (and computer).

    • +1

      Found it thanks. There is a banner underneath 'New Movie Releases'

      Could of used that last night for Erin Brockovich.

    • Go to play store and click the movies and TV section. It will show you the offer. Click it. Once you redeem it. You'll be able to buy any movie with 50% off.

  • +1

    Thanks for the post mate. Finally used my opinion rewards to buy the kingsglaive ff xv movie.

  • Awesome, it showed two banners, one for 50% off a rental, one for %50 off a movie purchase.

  • +1

    Where do we find this banner? Could not find in google play or google movies.

    Unable to find this offer on chromecast offers

    • +1

      I found it about 2/3rds of the way down on the Movies & TV page of the Play Store app but others have also found it on the New Releases page. Have a good look as it's not super easy to find

  • The prices on display are rental prices.
    $5.99 thinking its half price of that, I'll use up the current balance of Google rewards to $3 only to find its actually $19.99

  • +3

    Mine gives me 75% off.Thanks I would never have found this as it is buried so deep.

    • Can confirm that if you haven't redeemed the code in the original way. Look in the entertainment section directly when visiting the play store from the play store on your mobile.

      • What do you mean by "redeemed the code in the original way".. whats the original way and how do you do it differently to get 75%?

        I can only see 50%.

        • +2

          If you go into the movies and TV section from playstore. You should see the 50% code. If you login with another email address that isn't associated with a chrome cast, you click on the Entertainment button on play store view. You'll see the 75% off code.

        • @mhaqs:
          Awesome. Thanks! I see it now.

        • @mhaqs:
          Damn, wish this was in the OP.
          Had clicked the 50% off already.

          No Chromecast here, so not just Chromecast users get it

  • Strange the offer was in the entertainment banner in the play store app for me. Even though I don't own a chromecast. Thank you for using chromecast. But I dont have one… Also only one of my accounts has it. The other just has a 50% off a book offer.

  • +1

    Thanks, found it! On my mobile, went to Play Store and found under Movies & TV (just after 1st rows of "New Movie Releases").

  • Movie bundles .. like the star wars one or only certain bundles?

    • Should work on all of them including Star Wars. You can check by clicking buy without actually proceeding to purchase it.

      • cool.. need to get home to my cast . Annoying it needs the device present to check for discounts and not just assigned to your account - stops people buying a Google device and selling it and still getting the discount I guess.

    • Confirmed discount works with star wars bundle.

      • I have 2 original Chrome casts and one version 2 … no offer :( - except the usual music offer.
        Looking in another browser not signed into Google - I don't see the banner, maybe it is expired?

  • +1

    Thanks op on mine there is 75% off too! Not sure why that is (Eddie the Eagle Hd rent $1.75 and using google rewards happy days :)

  • +1

    Got a banner for 50% off a purchase, and another for 75% off a rental. Never would have found them if I wasn't looking though - thanks for the heads-up!

  • Thanks OP, complete Harry Potter collection purchased for half price.

  • +1

    I only got 75% off a TV episode… :(

    • +1

      Hey same here TRY THIS.

      I've checked a few times over the last few days and today I also saw the 75% off of TV banner pop up today. Here's the thing at work (where I was not logged in) I saw the 50% movie banner so I knew it wasn't expired - but after digging through the site I could not find it when logged in. Even my ChromeCast rewards does not show any of these discounts - so I figured it was not related to the Chromecast.

      I discovered that any rewards available for your account can be seen on your account page (menu on the left) so while they might not promote it for you - you can still find it.

  • Got it! My dilemma was what to buy taking into account picking a random latest release (unless that's what you spend google dollars on) equates to, well in my opinion, still an expensive digital movie. Circa $10+. (HD of cause, who buys SD?)
    Now since I buy on iTunes and UV my choices were limited. I get the Fox movie of the day so that out ruled most Fox movies and I have 100s already from UV codes so that out-ruled most recent blockbusters. Then others that were on special & come and go on special why waste 50% on one of these movies. So my criteria came down to a movie that is rarely on special or less likely to be cheap in the future. This left me with either Marvel or Disney-Pixar movies. But then like suggested by other OPs I happened to click on Bundles. Awesome a hack! A single movie discount that applies to more than a single movie (yes I know it says "single movie purchase") either way immediately my choices were conveniently reduced to just a few bundles, mainly due to either having some of them or I knowing that specials for the others will come up again. So for me the choice was MI bundle or Stars Wars. Star Wars is pretty good value at 50% off for the 6. However for me I'd much rather buy Star Wars on iTunes (plays better & has iTunes extras). So that left MI. So next I grabbed the 20% off google gift cards from woolies & waited for another 2 survey google rewards questions to get nearly $2 credit. This brought down my MI individual purchase price for each MI HD movie to…wait for it $4.48 (which includes a recent release Rogue Nation). Now I know some of our torrent/us netflix friends will poo poo us but this is a separate argument. Besides I own my AU netflix friends since most of my purchases are not on Netflix (e.g. MI) & do not expire. Anyway soz for long story.
    TL;DR - get the MI bundle, with 20% off card, & with some rewards credit if you have some.

  • Bought Wolf of Wall St and the UI on my phone tells me its not even 1080P, just 720P :|
    Would be unhappy if I paid $15 for the thing instead of 50% off.

  • From Chromecasts (2xAudio and 1xversion2), I only have:
    - 90 days of play music for free.

    From the Movies Store, I have:
    - 75% Off Any One Movie Rental
    - 75% Off Any One TV Episode

    … Any idea where I can find the 50%/75% off Movie purchase offer?

  • For people with the movie purchase, a few other (4 or more) collections that might be worth purchasing as well…

    Collection Name # of Movies Regular Price Sale Price 50% Discount Link
    Transformers 4 $53.96 $31.99 $15.99 Link
    Die Hard 5 $60.95 $27.99 $13.99 Link
    Harry Potter 8 $119.92 $59.99 $29.99 Link
    Jurassic Park 4 $79.96 $33.99 $16.99 Link
    Mission Impossible 5 $51.95 $39.95 $19.95 Link
    Fast and Furious 7 $132.93 $49.99 $24.99 Link
    Star Wars 6 $149.94 $109.99 $54.99 Link
    DC Universe 25 $399.75 $139.99 $69.99 Link
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