Hi Guys,
I need some help with buying a good massage chair. I want one that’s good value for money, but not a crap one that costs so much money. I want it to last and also have good warranty for at least 5years. If im droping like 3-5k on it I want it to last longer than 12 months. I plan on running so it will be very helpful and cheaper than the weekly massage in the long run. An anyone help me with a good deal, I plan to visit this place http://feelgoodmassagechairs.com.au/massage-chairs/deluxe-li… on the weekend to try some out, I will need to try them out regardless. I hear the ones that have you laying total flat “zero g” at the best ones?
Can anyone suggest any chairs and a place to get them cheap?
Ps, the ones in the air port and shopping malls are ok, but a bit too basic and don’t give a really great massage.
There's really no mechanical replacement for a masseuse IMO because half of the benefit from having a massage comes from human touch.