I live in a shared house. It can be compared to a hostel where there are approximately 15 people living in 2 story house ( it has ample room etc.) people who lived there before me used AiTel wifi ( I think someone who works for Aitel lived there and connected the house with it and sold subscriptions for people to connect to the internet) However its expensive and slow (10GB for $25)
Therefore I am looking to get a wireless internet . (wireless because I dont want to go through the hassle of putting a lined internet to the place as I might move out soon anyway)
The best iv found so far is the Optus wireless broadband (http://www.optus.com.au/shop/broadband/home-wireless-broadba…)
I was wondering if anyone else provides similar plans
Thank you in advance
P.S. I'm only looking for wireless plans similar to the optus one
I've been looking around too and Optus is by far the best value (especially if you can make use of the $20 discount if you have an existing mobile account with them)