• expired

UberEATS $20 off Your First Order + Free Delivery (New Users Only, All Restaurants)


Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth & Adelaide.
Search for #SMASHEDAVO to browse for restaurants. You don't have to order smashed avo, all items will be discounted.

First time UberEATS users only. Works at all venues.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1437)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

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closed Comments

  • First time UberEATS users only…

  • +56

    Do you need to be saving for a house deposit to take advantage of this offer?

    • -1

      hahahha….Epic question….

    • +1

      No, the opposite - you can't have smashed avo and save for a house at the same time.

      • +1

        The whole point of this $20 is so you can do both.

    • -5

      The furore from butthurt millennials has been a joy to watch.

      Talk about taking things out of context.

      Truth hurts.

      • +3

        Yeah I make breakfast at home … Smoked salmon omelette and sour dough toast with a cup of espresso ……Under $5. And I don't need to get dressed or wait to be served

      • +1

        The truth is household savings are at a historical high in australia with anaemic inflation and retail spendings and we need to have less idiotic comments about austerity that is driving this economy into the ground.

    • +2

      Please explain

  • +31

    Who's is DAVO and why should we smashe him?

    • -8

      Its smashed Avo

      • +14


        • +1

          hey KT just in case you didn't get it, we're smashing this guy call Avo

        • +1

          It's clearly E. Davo

        • +2

          Right that's Ed Davo.
          I know him, he deserves it.

        • +2

          @King Tightarse: Ed Avo*

    • +1

      Doesn't matter. We get cheap food.

    • more like we are smashing Mr E.Davo

    • exactly how I read it, poor Davo!

  • how to use referral code?
    is there any special link? where to enter the referral code. Trying to register but couldn't see any option to enter referral code

    • Type the code in at the checkout

      • Thanks

  • +2

    Just got a burger and fries for $2.80. thanks OP

    • oooo enlighten me please lol

      edit: got a southern style chicken burger with sweet potato fries delivered for free :)

  • pfft

  • $4 for Smashed avo, goats feta, poached egg, cured trout - Delivered hmmm glad I didn't bring lunch today!

  • +1

    Nothing near Melbourne CBD unfortunately. All out East.

    • +2

      Thanks for checking! Saved me looking =)

      • misnomer

    • +2

      This is wrong - the ones listed above are just examples.. this works for ALL UBEREats restaurants
      I've just had my 4 donuts delivered to the CBD for $2 from Doughnut Time

      • +1

        Okay. The way I read the post was that you had to order from the list of restaurants above or one featuring #smashedavo. I will try ordering from any place!

      • +1

        Lol I ordered the same thing..havent had confirmation yet..

        • +1

          two other people in my dept at work ordered the same thing.. we have 12 donuts here and not enough people to eat them hah

      • I can confirm this. I ordered from a non-#smashedavo restaurant in Perth and the $20 + free delivery was applied to my order.

    • Mr burger delivers and it's in melbourne cbd, there are heaps of options

  • +2

    Doesn't exist in Gold Coast. Bummer.

  • +9

    No deal.

    Buy a 1 kg bag of Avocados and sourdough bread from Aldi and eat at home.

    In a few years' time you will own your own home and six Sydney investment properties!

  • Just ordered, looking forward to a burger and fries for $1! Nice 1st post abana, thanks!

  • +3

    I hear three of these avocados are worth more than an inner city apartment in sydney

  • +1

    The cafe names are so hipster I thought that Sydney only had one listed cafe…

  • are there any gold coast restaurants? :(

    • comment above says no.

  • +1

    It's defaulting to a $10 promo code I already had instead of using the $20 #smashedavo code. Anyone know a way around this?

  • If I already have an active Uber account but w/o Ubereats, does this work? I can't seem to find a place to drop the code.

    • Yes, when I signed in to Ubereats it automatically detected my Uber account. Put the code in just before you hit pay, you need to scroll down to the promo field.

  • 20 bux of smashed avo? sounds like alot

  • Thanks OP!

  • +5

    I feel people aren't realising you can use this code for ANYTHING on uberEATS…
    This should be one of the higher rated deals on ozbargain for quite a while.. you can get anything $20 or under delivered for free.

    • Here's some noise!!!

      This always seems to happen on OzBargain. 50 cents off dishwashing liquid has the same number of votes. Though I would prefer dishwashing liquid if I still had to pay $5 or more to Uber.

    • They better not say it was a bug and try charge me…

  • +1

    I am in CBD melbourne and ordered two nasi lemak.

  • I assume the $10 code stacks since it's just credit?

    • Yes

    • Where do you get the $10 code?

      • I actually don't remember where I got mine (maybe it was complimentary). But you can try the referral codes on this page.

  • Thanks ordered a burger and chips 20 minutes ago .. it's just about to arrive ;).

  • +1

    Thanks OP for the cheap lunch. I'm in West Perth and ordered a chicken/smashed avo salad and smoothie from DuoTone for $6 after the $20 discount.

  • Does referral and this code stack? This hasn't been the case previously.

    • Ah OK. Too cheap to risk it but I might find out tonight if I get hungry.

      My referral credit comes under my card.

    • +1

      Yep it stacks.

      Deducted once order delivered.

  • I do not know why, I do not know how but got $25 discount automagically applied without putting in the code for some unknown reason Thanks op

  • hang on, is this for all restaurants or just the one under #smashedavo

    • +1


      • +1

        holy crap so nice…I wonder if I could order one for myself, and deliver order to myself tonight :P Double dipping LOL

        Good to know it will be busy weekend for us drivers :)

        • Yeah and park next door and get it delivered there…to test fairness of the Uber algorithm.

        • @peterpeterpumpkin: Exactly what I have in mind…

          Just scare I might get banned though lol…

        • @Droid11: Yeah I know what you mean. But if you can order an Uber for your friend why not a meal. What they call gaming the system we call testing their algorithm. You are technically self-employed so it should be a right.

          Don't forget to write delivery man was handsome and should get a raise to avoid suspicion.

    • And it deducted extra from my $10 credit. At $30 with free delivery it's the best delivery deal yet.

  • For me this expires on 27 October (go to Promotions tab in menu). Is this universal, or is it one week after entering the voucher code?

    • Would like to know too. Hope someone who registers after 12am will report back

    • Mine said the same thing.

      Uber is notorious for their incompetence when it comes to offering special deals. They're often unaware what promises they've even sent out to their own drivers and request screenshots as proof when it's too late.

  • Does this app only service certain areas of Sydney?

    edit: nm i am way outside the serviced zone

    • They don't serve my area either. But by only a few suburbs so it's a short walk or drive away to the meeting point.

  • Any listings on the Mornington Peninsula? Despite being 70km away from the CBD I am considered according to Government data to be living on a 'major city road', so no excuses Uber.

  • Thanks OP
    Confirmed works for other restaurant without the Avo hastag for a new user
    Perhaps this should be included in the title?

    • Done. Please use the report link in future.

  • So awesome!

    Friend and I ordered 2 burgers and a 4 pack of doughnuts for $4 total!

  • I'm out of the serviced area. I thought I would be getting free dinner and now I'm so disappointed.

    • +1

      I saw the T&C once code was entered in the app, think it's valid up to the 27th…

    • +2

      That's what you get for spending too much on smashed avo and not saving for a deposit in a more expensive suburb!

      • I'm going to have to smash some avos to relieve my disappointment.

  • +2

    As a new customer I signed up and entered a referral code for $10, then typed in the SMASHEDAVO promo code. After filling an order and going to checkout, it'd only show -$10 and I couldn't get it to change, but I just went through with it anyway. But later on when they emailed the receipt, it showed the $22 order as free with both applied.

    So it seems you can apply both and they show the $20 off after it's delivered in the receipt.

    • Thanks mate, returned to this page to confirm exactly this.. Cheers!

    • That's reassuring. I replied to somebody above that you can also try exiting the app after "pre-testing" the code and opening it up again.

  • going to try it out tomorrow morning.

  • Confirmed at Promotions section in the app, add SMASHEDAVO code got $20 Exp. 27th Oct + add code from referral link above (got $10 off your next order also, Expires 21 Jan 2017). That will be my free lunch for tomorrow. I got free burrito today :D, because Gusman Y Gomez promotion for new sign up in its app is still exist, just choose your burrito (max $11.50 for free) and tap Add & Pay. Then swipe to the right for new sign up. It will show 0 (free)

  • There are two $15 charges appeared in my card transaction in addition to the amount billed . It happened to one cancelled order and one confirmed order.There are four transactions showed in my bank transactions - $15; $0(order cancelled); $15; $2.50(confirmed order). Anyone idea?

    • I got charges like this too. They may just be validation charges to check that your card is real and has credit.

  • I also confirm that the referral and the SMASHEDAVO code can be combined. Just did an order for $32 and was charged $2 in total on the receipt. The app showed only -$10 at ordering, but I placed trust in the above comments. Whoo, almost free ice cream!

  • Can some one please help
    Me how to use SMASHEDAVO Code while checkout, it takes only $10 off from my order .

    • it's a bit weird, once you put the code in you dont even really see the discount being applied, but it shows once the order goes through

      • Do you mean the receipt emailed awhile after you get the order or the one you get immediately? Mine shows only $10 taken off and the promo code is still in my available codes tab on the app.

        • no I meant immediately after you order in the app.
          If you're not seeing it there you can cancel your order… but I have no idea if that affects whether you can use the coupon moving forward.

        • although… someone else in the thread said it was the emailed receipt that showed both discounts… so not really sure

        • UPDATE: guy next to me at work ordered ~$19 worth of stuff.. in the app it said it applied the $10 discount but not the $20… when receiving the emailed receipt it showed that he'd paid $0.. the $10 was applied first and the $20 to cover the rest.

        • +1

          @colblair: It means that we should order food worth $30 to take full benefit of first user + smashedavo offer.

        • +1

          @pyramid: Yeah I ended up ordering based on other comments. Showed the $20 in the final receipt but not the one I got immediately. Charged $1.40 for $31.40 of food. Nice!

        • @Rupture: Thanks. I ordered just now…

  • I can't see where i need to enter a referral code? Or do i need to use a computer and not mobile app?

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