Intel SSD X25-M 80GB
The cheapest price on staticice is $324. So it’s about $100 different included shipping fee.
Intel SSD X25-M 80GB
The cheapest price on staticice is $324. So it’s about $100 different included shipping fee.
I as actually thinking the same thing, I have an older Asus laptop with 2 x 250 GB hdd's in it and this would make it fly quite noticeably.
Should be no reason not to be able to do it.
Yes you can use this on with your N61 laptop.
PricesEngine team.
Anyone used pricesengine yet?
They look dodgy as hell, but you never know.
I applied for their free HDMI cable last week, haven't heard anything or received anything.
Sorry Moe
Can you send a email to our customer service.
We will find out this for you ASAP.
pricesengine team
I got my free cable on monday! Shame about the SSD's beings sold out though. :-((
Received my free HDMI cable from them last Friday so they are not dodgy
They are a sister company of 9289 which has been a long time seller on here.
Did that info come from a 9289 rep?
I think they have said that. A whois returns the same. You can do a company search on the govt's ABN website if you want to investigate further.
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
@Pizza The Hut: Also if you mouse over the prices engine it comes up with the same "share with a friend" as on the 9289 website
Dear Tantryl
This is Minnie from PricesEngine team.
Please let me know if you have any question regarding to our site and deal.
PricesEngine team
Hey Minnie
I recommend you apply to OzBargain for rep status. See here.
I recommend you get a native English speaker with decent writing skills to re-write your About Us, T&C and Contact pages. Nothing looks dodgier than the first line of an About Us page saying "If everything you care about most is price, then you are entering a right place.".
I was hoping for the 9289 rep to log on and confirm the two businesses were associated. All signs point to yes so far, but I just want to be sure.
Thanks Tantryl
We will work on the T&C and the about us shortly.
Thanks for your suggestion.
PricesEngine team
I'm sure I also saw there in the small print, "All your base are belong to us".
@Horizon: its missing the link though from the small print lol…
and of course chocolate rain
Their ABN details do not match those on the government record which say it belongs to :
Ideam Pty Ltd?
Call: 02 8090 7700
Fax: 02 9882 2882
Unit 206, 354 Eastern Valley Way
NSW 2067
whois for the domain does not show same details:
Organisation Name…. IDeaM
Organisation Address. P O Box 59
Organisation Address. Collins Street West
Organisation Address. Melbourne
Organisation Address. 3000
Organisation Address. VIC
Organisation Address. AU
Their website name doesn't need to match their trading as name or their business name if it's a dot com.
But thanks for the thought - I checked ABR and both 9289 and pricesengine ABN/ACNs are registered to Ideam.
Their ABN details do not match those on the government record which say it belongs to :
Their ABN details are government records.
I am not sure where you would get different information aside from their ABN
Ideam is 9289, therefore pricesengine is Ideam and also 9289
Nothing to worry about!
Ideam Pty Ltd is the company that uses the names 9289 and PricesEngine. If you've ever bought from 9289, go check your invoice: it'll say "Ideam Pty Ltd". I believe 9289's SSL certificate is (or was, last time I bought from them) in the name "IDEAM PTY LTD" too.
The Melbourne address belongs to their domain registrar (MelbourneIT, the largest registrar in the country and not an insignificant worldwide player either). For some reason they seemed to be trying to not associate the two brand names (probably so they could charge different prices) so they used their registrar's "private registration" feature.
The sender address on the free HDMI cable I got from PricesEngine was Unit 207, 354 Eastern Valley Way Chatswood NSW 2067.
Hello Dear OZbargain member.
If you have any question regarding to our site and deal. Please feel free to let me know.
Or you can contact with our customer service [email protected].
or skype.
pricesengine team
I have one, bring in bpay or straight credit card payments. :)
Just brought one, bargain considering i was just about to click on a 64gig falcon 2 from umart for $250 and saw this!! Great drive at a great price, thanks guys can't wait to get it! :)
Can you check your Paypal transaction and confirm it shows them as being a verified seller? I think that would convince everyone they have nothing to worry about
Are you talking with me?
We are not able to see and check anyone's detail with PayPal included the status verified or unverified.
So please make sure you have verify the bank account with PayPal. then we can process your order fast and safe.
PricesEngine team
No I was talknig to Lukelegend I replied to :) I want him to tell me of your company has a Verfied status in Paypal. Verified status means Paypal has confirmed that your company is authentic.
@WhiteEvo6: Yes they are non-us verified on paypal :)
Business Name: (The recipient of this payment is Non-US - Verified)
[email protected]
Total Amount:
-$229.00 AUD
Fee amount:
$0.00 AUD
Net amount:
-$229.00 AUD
Item amount:
$229.00 AUD
Sales Tax:
$0.00 AUD
$0.00 AUD
$0.00 AUD
17 Jun 2010
12:46:05 AEST
It is the same store as 9289 who are very reputable
I got my HDMI cables promplty and in good condition. I would buy from these guys.
Thanks and hope you enjoy your HDMI cable with the world cup.
PricesEngine Team
I am really considering this.. I am trying to save money, got one of these months ago when they first came out and its awesome, I want a second to put into RAID0…
that's what i'm doing :) have one already and it flies, want to try out raid 0… plus this is the retail version with the hdd bracket! Bargain!
My Intel SSD Rocks!
SSD is soo good. No noise generated from the spinning of the hard drives
Boot up time is 10seconds.
It takes 5-10mins to install win7 from a USB Drive
Doesnt get hot at all.
I imported mine from USA when the dollar was 94cents and it cost me $200. This is pretty good too!
I just purchased one on CC via Paypal, however I am quite skeptical of the company. If this deal is legit, it will be one hell of a deal!
And now they are sold out….
Intel 80GB G2 Retail for $230, it was bound to sell out super fast!
The stock we have is sold out already. But we are contact with our supplier.
See if we can get more in. Please give us a min.
PricesEngine team
Good deal,whats the next one going to be :)
oh well :( better luck next time
If this is the g2 version (with TRIM support) then it's a great price.
Will you be getting more in stock???
How do i know this?
I can tell you, It is G2 Version.
I have make sure with our Product manager already.
PricesEngine team
That is awesome !!! too bad it's sold out,
Any chance you'll have it back in stock?
How you tell a G2 and non G2 apart?
Well for this one, it says in the description: GEN 2 RETAIL VERSION.
For others e.g. SSDSA2MP040G2R5 there is a G2 there.
If looking as the specifications, I'd go with an equivilent Kingston Drive which is better value.
R: up to 250MB/s
W: up to 70MB/s4(80GB)
$229 ($2.86 / GB)
64GB – 200MB/sec. read; 110MB/sec. write
$179 from MSY ($2.79 /GB)
check reviews though, the kingston is slow comapred to intel
The intel trumps almost all other drives in terms of random access times, which in real world situations is way more important than sequential read/write, thats mainly why the intel is so popular.
I dont think I have ever heard someone recommend a Kingston over an Intel lol, the write speed on the Intel does not translate into poor performance. Have a look for some reviews, the Intel is a very very highly recommended drive.
Except sequential is not the specs to be looking at. The 4kb speeds matter more for an OS drive and is where SSD's really kill HDD's. Sequentially there's not much difference.
Obviously there's still the access times, which are lower than HDD's (unless you got screwed and bought a JMicron one from way back when).
And don't touch the 64GB Kingston. It's pretty crap.
The only worth it ones right now to get are: Intel, Indillinx controller ones (eg G Skill Falcon II, OCZ Vertex) and Sandforce based drives (you'll know its one because their sizes are 50, 100, 200gb rather than the 64/128 you see with the Indillinx ones).
That's the Kingston V Series 64GB?
I don't know much about SSD, but like most things I assume you generally get what you pay for, and comments on the Kingston that I've seen say that it's really not the fastest SSD around.
In real world benchmarks the Kingston drives are far slower than the X25-Ms. Raw read and write speed is only one small part of overall performance. How the controllers handle thousands of IO requests per second is another. Some controllers choke on small files.
Check out this for example:
In the 4kb random transfers read/write benchmark, the Intel drive scores a write score of 40.93 while Kingston limps in with 7.05 or 9.31 (depending on model of drive). Write latency for Kingston drives is also much higher than for Intel's product. Modern operating systems are always reading and writing small amounts of data to disk. Copying several hundred megabytes of contiguous files is actually pretty rare.
I went through the checkout and processed my order but I can't find any record of it via paypal?
Who do I contact about confirming my order?
Please email to [email protected]
Our customer service will fix this for you.
pricesengine team
I emailed your team and waited a couple of days and received zero reply.
I'm very anxious to get this matter sorted, please contact me asap.
This gets a + from me purely on the 'check out with paypal, no account with pricesengine required' aspect :)
Argh missed out, is there going to be a restock?
We are still checking the stock with our supplier. Maybe will be restock again.
Please give us some time.
pricesengine team
:P at least get a reasonable quant that won't sell out within 10 minutes!
They could have sold many hundred or even thousands for all you know
Any idea of how long these will take to be shipped/recieved?
We will trying to ship out within 2~3 day.
Here is how we process.
I think the longest part is data entry ( entry the order to our internal system)
But we will trying to process this as fast as possible. otherwise we will give you an update by email.
PricesEngine team
@minniewu: +1 person who missed out… please let me know if you will get more stock. I am sure there are a lot of other people too who missed out….
Will you get anymore stock seriously want one of these
"We are still checking the stock with our supplier. Maybe will be restock again."
I want one too..
Let us know guy man thanks you!
Come on get some more, people got money to burn here! lol
I have been using this drive for a while, highly recommend!
I wish someone would review the A-RAMs All I ever see is Kingston/Intel stuff. $400 for 128GB.
This is extremely cheap compared to those though. So thumbs up from me.
They're basically identical to the other Sandforce drives (eg G Skill Phoenix, OCZ Vertex 2, Patriot Inferno etc).
I don't see a need to review their performance (but do see a need to look into the company itself, seeing as I first heard of them when the Sandforce drives came out).
last 40 units.
Pricesengine team
You mean there'll be 40 more or that you only sold 40 units? Because it still says sold out atm.
Gone already?
Couldn't have. I f5'd the page just after they posted. "Sold out".
Maybe someone bought them all. You might see them on ebay soon.
stilll sold out ???
updating !!!!!!!!
Last 40 units to sell. while stock last.
pricesengine team
i still see sold out…
i didn't see any…
Just bought one. Yay!
It gives me this: "Ooops!
Session expired…
Please check your paypal account or contact customer service.
[email protected]"
After I log in and click confirm twice.
maybe you should check your paypal account.
pricesengine team
Crap. It turns out I accidentally bought two.
How do I get rid of one?
I wouldn't want to hog any stock for the other ozbargainers.
please let me buy the one that leonhart1 bought by accident…
or put more stock up !!
I wasn't expecting you to put some up so quickly….
I've emailed them. Hopefully they'll refund it and put one back in stock.
Good luck.
purchased one. turns out it was firefox, loaded up IE saw stock.
Damn OzBargain! I ordered one although I already have a G.Skill Falcon II. Just could not resist! But seriously, a great deal. I used Internet Explorer also, Chrome did not seem to work properly.
Lol, i just brought a 2nd one, just too cheap :)
sold out again
I see it's sold out again.. but how do I cancel the extra one I bought by accident?
put it ebay and make some $$$
But it's kind of a dick thing to do.. profiting off a bargain site…
Can I change one of my ASUS N61 Laptop Hard Drive (have 2 slot..) into using one of this..??
Is this one of the latest version of SSD ??
Thank you,