Hi guys I am looking for a drone/quadcopter for under $50 with a camera. Do you guys have any recommendations? I will be flying it outdoors mostly.
Best drone or quadcopter with camera for under $50

i never own any drone but reading the title i dont think it is possible now . please be realistic, you dont want to get cheapo stuffs and at the end just throwing them to the bin after a week.
i learnt my lesson from buying cheapo VR googles and kogan brand stuffs.flying potato
Your only going to get a toy drone for that price with a very short range. The only time you will be able to fly it outdoors is when there is no wind. So if you want a cheap drone go to banggood or gear best find a cheap drone and enjoy.
I've owned a Syma X5C and it's probably the closest you'll get to meeting your requirements though a little more than $50: https://www.amazon.com/SYMA-X5C-Explorers-Quadcopter-Camera/…
Lost mine in a tree 6 months ago so there might be something better or newer on the market now though…
The newer version of this would be your best bet. I forget the actual name.
I'd be interested to see what someone with experience might suggest, as I'm in the market as well. I think the sub $50 category has really low quality camera/still camera equipment tho