100 metres of tape. Grab one at your local store or order online. Cheaper than eBay and AliExpress I believe.
Price ends 30 October.
100 metres of tape. Grab one at your local store or order online. Cheaper than eBay and AliExpress I believe.
Price ends 30 October.
Some would say it's super cheap.
Why I auto down vote you for that! ;-)
That's cheaper than $2 shop.
Some would say it's super cheap.
Thanks OP! Need a few for my badminton racket.
Definitely cheaper than ebay
Some would say it's super cheap.
This will be perfect for making cricket balls out of tennis balls! TY OP
As an electrician, electrical tape is along side icecream, peanut butter, socks and whiskey; you do actually get what you pay for.
If you expect this to stick to itself for anything longer than a few weeks you're kidding yourself.
If you actually need 100m of electrical tape you'd already know to buy the good stuff.
If you don't, go and pay $5 for one roll of white, good brand stuff and you'll be better off. White, so you can write on it what you've just taped up with a pen or sharpie.
PS Duct tape is the same, cheap usually = bad.
Unless they've changed the quality of tape since I last bought one of these rolls (a few years ago now) then i'll happily back up Cral42's claim. I'm a fan of the Nitto tape.
Sorry mate but by the sounds of it your not a sparky and i agree with the sparky.
I am a Sparky by trade and if your supercheap then you get shit.
Also if this is a 100m pack of 10 then that means all you have is 10m on each roll and my 3m stuff is 20meters per roll and i would trust on any voltage up to 415v.
Sometimes its good to go cheap but yeah for me ill pass….
Sorry mate but by the sounds of it the sparkies have offered hearsay and groupthink about an unverified claim that this tape will not stick to itself more than a few weeks. Do you honestly believe that? And none of the comments by those identifying themselves as electricians admit to actually using this specific tape.
Whereas I have offered facts about it being backed by the leading automotive store as the only electrical tape they stock.
@inherentchoice: Because it's their own badged brand where the profit margin is the highest perhaps? And having a "guarantee" on a lower priced and lower quality item compared to other higher priced items (that through personal experience allows me to make that judgement) just means it's a guaranteed roll of crappy tape.
All items have a warranty/guarantee on them, and the "brand trust" of the store selling it doesn't ensure quality.
It seems you're taking this as a personal attack on your bargain listing. We're definitely not saying YOU are crappy for posting it, we're saying that, bang for buck, you're better off spending a touch extra to get a better quality product.
@inherentchoice: a leading automotive store called supercheap selling electrical tap for cheap.
Just like bunnings is advertising toolboxes for cheap and of quality call craftright.
Anyway take it as you will but those that use the products know whats good and whats not.
your not a sparky
You're <> your.
@inherentchoice: i have been given this stuff to me and went right into the bin.
My license is on the line here and id prefer to walk away from a job not having second thoughts…. on lecky tape.
I've used it on connections on my clunky old Landcruiser. After a week the glue had softened and run, making the tape a useless soggy blob. Thankfully I could just redo the joint and heat-shrink it, but I would not go near this stuff ever again for anything. Even when my kids used it for their "artwork" they complained that it was no good.
"this is the only brand electrical tape stocked by the leading automotive store"
yes, automotive store, not electrical store, and if you are talking about the brand this is SCAs brand so not much else to say about that.
This is basically the unbranded generic vs reputable brand debate, and these might be okay for the DIYer, but when it comes to proper electrical work, insulating/protecting from exposed wires, this is not just more comfort or more bells and whistles like if comparing tools, this is electricity we're talking about, and if being used on anything above 12V, let alone 240V there is no argument here (any electrician who uses this quality tape for their work should be fined at the very least, and i'm sure quality sparkies will agree)
Basically, buy this only if you plan to use it for non electrical, or taping <12V systems temporarily,
if you want tradesman quality, go to your nearest Electrical wholesaler, and buy their tape, honestly it's only a few $ more, i get mine for $2 per roll, and at the end of the day, is saving $1.50 per roll really worth it? electricity kills people, don't risk it…
So you don't use this particular brand of electrical tape, yet you can attest to its quality? Seems to work perfectly fine all the times I've used it, although what would I know, I'm not an electrician…
Completely agree - The cheap rolls "leak" their adhesive, end up moving under pressure, generally just junk. I've always stuck to Nitto. I do take grievance with things like this being called "electrical" tape as it doesn't (and hasn't ever) carried a rating for electrical use. Good ol' sticky tape/scotch tape or even a piece of chewing gum can be called "electrical adhesive". It worries me that people will use this tape thinking that it will isolate/insulate them from electricity.
How do you know this is a cheap roll?
It has no voltage or temperature rating displayed for a start, UL is something you want to see too.
So it would be totally inappropriate to use this stuff with mains.
Wouldnt expect good electrical stuff from a budget DIY car shop anyway.
Ok. Thanks.
But please don't stop half way… :)
Give us some advice…
What do you recommend?
I work at an electrical wholesaler. We sell these http://solutions.3m.com.au/wps/portal/3M/en_AU/EMD_APAC_CI/H….
Sparkies always buy them, never had a problem. Price is usually around $11-14.00 for 200m total in electrical tape.
Link not working?
@hobo123: No worries now working, however was indicating a 3M "page not found" when I posted. Interested in purchasing some quality stuff for my worksites.
Do you know who sells it to public?
I find this cheap insulation tape not that great to work with. It's not stetchy enough to get it to bind tightly and starts to peel away after a short time. Gets brittle too over time
My opinion anyway and I'm an electrical person
If its anything like the electrical tape Bunnings sell don't even bother…..they're rubbish!
I've done a fair bit of automotive electrical work over the years with engine looms etc and unless the quality has changed in the last 5 years since I last used it, this stuff is rubbish. I use the repco branded tape and find it works well.
Good for a wizard stick party.
This stuff is would be like all cheap tapes, very bad in the long run. Duct, gaffa, painters, lecky tapes etc mostly all suffer on the cheapest end.
OzB affirmation over information again, always seems about ego these days.
3M Super33+ or nothing, also wouldn't waste money on cheap electrical tape.
I got five for $2.50 from Kmart so they're just price matching really.
Awesome… my weekend sorted.
Cheap electrical tape is crap. use it for quick and dirty repair jobs if you must.
the cheap stuff in a short period of time will bleed and ooze its sticky stuff all over everything else.
When it comes to replacing you are left with a mess of loose pvc and sticky crap all over every thing and it is a pain to clean up.
I use Nitto brand electrical tape as it does not have no these issues.
If you are serious about wire harness taping and wrapping, buy Tesa tape.
It comes in 2 varieies for automotive use and is the tape used in VW/Audi/BMW/Mercedes
one is fleece, it is a bit fluffy and used in car interior. it also reduces loose wire noises.
the other is an engine bay exterior cloth tape. handles high heat 150degC and helps reduce rubbing and wire fraying.really good tape and I use all over my motorbikes when adding electrical farkles.
cost about $18 per roll.
Take this on football (soccer) game day and you be the main man.
10 pack…that oughta last at least one season of kids footy. Only gotta stick for an hour.
True, but there's around 70 senior players registered (6 sides total) at my local club and not all of them are exactly skinny :P
So they are probably wearing $150+ boots but want to save money on shitty tape?
Pretty much, but basically everyone is always asking for tape and no-one ever has any.
See we have found some good uses for this tape! As electrical tape, no… But as mentioned, for the badminton racquet grips / cricket bat etc. (although even for that, as mentioned also, I would think even that wouldn't be the best use, as if it's a hot day or after a few weeks, when the adhesive oozes into a messy heap, you will regret it haha (good quality duct tape or the furry type is way better for this imo)
But yeah, for a footy game, it's like a match made in heaven.. Great bargain then! ;)
Its probably totally crap, but its for wrapping around the kids soccer boots and them wasting entire roll's making a cubby house, this is the stuff Im after!
Thanks for the heads up
(Agree with others, wouldnt use this for anything too 'electrical')
That seems really cheap