Current Affairs and News Websites for a 11 Year Old


Whats a good news website for kids so they can understand without having to read pages of text?



  • +17

    BTN (Behind the News). It is a current affairs show aimed at older primary kids produced by the ABC.
    My kids were watching it the other day.
    It usually has a few headlines with short contextual explanations and a longer piece looking it to a current issue.
    I used to watch it once a week in primary school in the 80s!

    • I still have triggering feelings when I hear BTN because we always had to write articles based on it at school and it would ruin what would've been a good half hour watching tv.

  • +3

    Channel 7, 9, or Ten.
    It's useless hogwash for the mentally 12 year old.

    If you must watch News on TV, nothing beats SBS.

    • +6

      Channel 7, 9, or Ten.
      It's useless hogwash for the mentally 12 year old.

  • +1

    The Onion and BuzzFeed

  • +1


  • Time Magazine for kids

    and KiwiKids

    i would also recommend some science related channels on Youtube too. Many of which are excellent (even for adults!)……

  • +1

    If you don't mind the political angle, the American late show, and Last week Tonight are a good blend of humour and current affairs, though maybe a bit advanced for 11yro. My 10yro sometimes watches with our high school kids when we watch and he gets some of it. In a similar vein, maybe the Project locally? And JJJ Hack can be good. But they are all pitched at young adults more than kids. And they all deal with mature themes as they are relevant.
    In our house we find ourselves having to explain some reasonably advanced concepts when questions come up (my 7yro asked what 'molested' meant today.)
    We are ok with that, but when I was a kid it would have been something my mum would have found awkward.

    Be aware that the news will open young people's eyes to a range of things they don't have direct experience with, so I would suggest if you watch shows with more adult themes you do so together so you can offer some context based on your family's morals. Kids can be uncritical consumers of the point of view presented, so we find it useful to discuss ideas as they are presented.
    Don't take this as discouragement, on the contrary, I think raising sophisticated, politically and culturally aware young people is a key parenting requirement, but it can raise some complex ideas and challenge some of the lazy assumptions we all make in our lives. Kids are really good at understanding what is and isn't fair, for example, so can result in some interesting discussions as they discover some of the things that go on in our society.

    • Really?

      I've found all kids to be thick pretty much. Nothing wrong with them, it's just at 7 years of age most haven't conceptually worked out that the world isn't all happening as a result of their own actions so really they have no idea wtf is going on and at 11 they're still pretty thick as well.

      • By "Thick" do you mean self centered?

  • +2

    BTN , behind the news.

  • +1

  • -1

    Why disillusion the kids.

    Avoid all news shows.

    It will be the same next year and then the next.

    Let them enjoy being kids

  • thanks all.
    I suppose what i am after is a website where kids can put in Brexit and it comes up with a dumbed down explanation.
    not news shows.

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