Hi Guys
Anyone have any experience with uploading to the cloud easily? Currently have close to 400GB of photos and videos that I want to put on Amazon unlimited. The problem is that I'm on ASDSL1(can't get ASDSL2). Instead of leaving the Laptop on for many weeks,I'm wondering if I can hook up a raspberry Pi to the Router that's connected to a external USB HDD, and let the Pi upload that way? Any ideas or method to make this happen.
If you already have a Raspberry Pi, you could connect the HDD to RPi, mount the disk and then upload. If you can gain shell access on your router (running DD-WRT for example) then you probably don't even need the RPi.
Make sure you have QoS done properly on your router though, or just limit the rate of uploading, otherwise the Internet won't be usable while uploading.