Gamers: Sick of getting pwned in online games due to lag? Pauline Hanson has your back.

Interesting new tweet from Pauline Hanson's twitter:

@bawdz @australian Kids from the bush tell me because their speeds are so bad they keep getting beaten by gamers from overseas- Unacceptable……

I think Pauline Hanson is the right track here. Forget about building the NBN for the sake of e-commerce, forget about our needs for better streaming video, what we really need is better gaming servers so that we no longer get pwned in Overwatch and Battlefield.

You know who to vote for, folks. Put aside all your ethnic and racial differences, and join hands in this amazing cause. Pauline Hanson — our champion for E-Sports gaming.


  • +4

    We are being swamped by… slow internet?

    • +5

      We need to send the copper wires back where it came from. Underground.

      • Except a lot of the copper doesn't get ripped out.

  • +1

    Well at least she recognises that the young really want!

    Faster graphics cards and faster connection.

    eCommerce just doesn't need the same speed…

    Kevin read it right.

    Less lag, more kills, more votes…

    Plus you get the benefit of faster brag rights on Facebook

  • +5

    Isn't latency for overseas connected games less to do with our local network and more to do with how Australia is connected with the world.

    • Sssshhh! You're ruining this for us, bro

    • Despite being on 100mbit cable, I'm sick of re-spawning already dead, with the end of the enemy's barrel up my arse… NBN isn't the cure-all it is made out to be.

  • +2

    I agree with her. I don't like it.

  • Only thing is she'll wanna throw out anyone that isn't white, so there's always that…

    • +3

      If your ping is >100, she doesn't want you playing in this country.

  • I am no good at playing Modern Warefare. Even my 100/40 Fibre NBN doesn't help.

  • Even though I have 100 Mbps (off-peak hours) download speed, my upload speed is a massive turd at 1 Mbps.

    We need faster internet. Vote for the (profanity) party that will do it. We're spending like $100 billion on spaceships, submarines and fighter jets. We can afford it!

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