Two new AmEx offers. Waiting on forumninja for the manual links. Enjoy :)
Manual Links: (thanks forumninja)
Two new AmEx offers. Waiting on forumninja for the manual links. Enjoy :)
Manual Links: (thanks forumninja)
OP updated. Thanks as always :)
Good job. Always good to see new offers!
You know that manual links can be generated from the Amex Connect website right? All you need to do is "Enroll" in the offer without signing in. When asked to be signed in, enter your Amex card number (proprietary cards only, not Bank issued Amex). It will then allow you to enroll through the manual enrollment page.
I can find the "Enroll" button in above OP "Go To Deal" links. Do you have the link where it shows "Enroll" before signing in?
Click on the offer link:…
Click "Sign Up or Log In"
Under "Sign Up" enter your Amex card number (Amex issued cards only)
Click "Get Started"
Click "Enrol now"
Any manual link for the BP offer?
BP is targeted. I don't think there are manual links for targeted Amex offers.
use the live chat with the Amex staff they will add it to your accounts, I just asked them done three time manually for me.
These showed up automatically on my DJs AMEX!
I must have about half a dozen hotel offers saved to my AMEX now …
dude (or dudette) you need holidays!
I'm going Melbourne in June but all these offers would have expired by then :(
You can book ahead. Some people mentioned that you can still get cashback on advance prepaid bookings
Damn… I booked for Oaks hotel 2 days ago. Unlucky!
cancel and rebook :) Unless it was prepaid/nonrefundable…
arghh. cmon why are all these australia only. Looking for a deal for Mauritius stay next year
Any idea if Crown Gifts classified as restaurants for the purpose of using an Amex card that earns 3 ppd?
Buy the gift card firstly then go to restaurant by using the gift cards.
Combine American Express with Crown sale on ASX to get an additional 11% off.
Please elaborate
Uhm I don't see the 11% off with the link you have provided. It's just the stock code
Thanks TA. So hard to figure out which Amex offer to use for our Sydney stay in December..
Still, good problem to have. :]
Hmm.. to get this $100 gift card for 15% off or wait for the $500 gift card for 20% off…
Why not get both
Are these offers still available for Crown - if so where? I cam only see the offer of spend $350 and get a bathrobe
Not available for now.. I think we are all waiting for these promos to stack this AMEX offer with
Can someone with experience comment/confirm whether food/restaurant purchases/meals without a stay qualify for this Oaks Hotels & Resorts offer and other such hotel offers in general?
The terms and conditions mention check out but the full terms do not stipulate a stay even though they exclude voucher/gift/store card/credit purchases and payment through third parties.
Good point. Was thinking of the same. Buy $200 worth of drinks or throw a party.
so can I use same amexconnect account for a different bank-issued card? and redeem same offer on each card?
Yes. Once you've logged in, on the top right corner click "Menu" -> "Add Card"
thanks, worked!
Wonder if supplementary card holders can also be added to same a/c? (would try but still waiting for card)
Would i be able to use a family member's AMEX card to get this deal? do i need present the card when i check in?
Yes because the payment must be made upon checking in or out physically - its not for prepaid bookings
thanks does this apply offer to AMEX cards issued by CBA or ANZ
Any cards - T&C remains the same.
Why do people even need the manual link?
This might be a completely dumb question, as I've never done this before. Do you think it's possible to use two credit cards on checkout (after our stay) to pay to get $200 off our?
You can try. Just tell them your card is on its limit. Can only do split payment.
Manual Links:
Crown Gifts:…
Oaks Hotel and Resorts:…