A friend recently had a screening "whole-body" MRI for no reason, other than curiosity. He had no symptoms. But he was over 50 years of age so I guess that may be a reason in itself.
Which got me thinking. A while back "whole-body" CAT scans were all the rage. For $1000 you could get your whole body scanned to identify potential health problems, and hit them on the head early (tumours, anneurisms, liver cirrhosis, etc). I was tempted, that is until I read that your risk of getting cancer just from the scan itself increased by 50 times!!!
So in comes MRI. They say it has no radiation risks, although I'm not sure how giant magnets will affect the body either.
Anyway my friend says his results are "normal" that is any wear and tear on the body is consistent with his age. Other than a few minor things like some benign cysts on his liver, which the doctor says were probably congenital.
So would you have such a test? If you have a genuine reason, like symptoms (obviously), or a family history of some disease, of course anyone would.
But if you're fit and healthy, have no symptoms, would you put yourself through the stress of waiting for that result, in case they find some "incidentals", as they call abnormal results they find by chance.
Presonally I'm still thinking about it.
P.S. He had it done at Melbourne Radiology for about $1000, same cost as a whole-body CAT scan.
Unfortunately, some diseases like cancer start emerging in your body without symptoms… its like a kind of prevention (to some extent reasonable as your friend is over 50 years).