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Earthwise Growing Essentials 22L Potting Mix or Pine Bark $2 ea @ Bunnings Warehouse


Earthwise Growing Essentials 22L Potting Mix $2

Earthwise Growing Essentials multi purpose potting mix is made from fully composted, organic materials, suitable for a wide range of plants, planter boxes, pots or even used for planting out potted plants.

  • A nutrient rich compost
  • Contains bi-products from sugar production
  • Ideal combination of physical and nutritional characteristics
  • Great for pots or garden beds
  • Australian owned and made

Earthwise Pine Bark $2

Growing Essentials Pine Bark Garden Mulch is an excellent decorative mulch. Suitable for formal gardens, planter boxes and pots. The pine bark mulch also helps to provide protection during adverse conditions; maintains plant health and assists growth.

  • Suitable for formal gardens, planter boxes and pots
  • Provides an attractive finish for all gardens
  • Conserves moisture
  • Helps minimise weeds
  • Insulates plant roots from temperature extremes

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Even cheaper than Coles $2.5

    • Not sure about the Coles mix but the Woolworths mix is 25ltr making it about the same price.I have noticed a couple of brands have reduced from 25ltr to 22ltr and even 20ltr sizes.

  • +2

    For some reason, it's not showing up for me; I'm in WA.

  • +2

    If your local landfill has a green waste section you can buy it by the trailer load. Its pretty good value that way.
    I did see a guy go off with a bag of potting mix from woolies on his scooter today so was pretty impressed with that effort.

  • This is everyday price? Was going to get a trailer load of soil for veggie garden but this is not much more expensive is it?

    • +6

      depends how much you need - cubic metre of similar mix is about $50 pickup (Canberra)

      same volume in these bags is $90

  • Does anyone use this? Any good?

    • +9

      i roll in it. its ok.

    • +2

      Not ticked as Australian standard premium mix

  • Slightly off topic, I'm looking to make organic pesticide at home, what are all the ingredients I can use? I could think of chilli, garlic, ginger. Some websites talk about using liquid soap or dishwasher, Can I try Aldi dishwasher?

    • +14

      An Aldi dishwasher might be a bit heavy.

    • +1

      Would it still be organic if you're using dishwashing liquid..?

      • Something about it promoting a clean environment.

  • +8

    Contains bi-products from sugar production

    Cane toads.

    • +1

      that was funny :)

    • +1

      If I'm digging a new hole to plant a tree and have squashed a few canetoads the last few days they get added. Figured they couldn't hurt.

      • +2

        Just like blood and bone. :)

  • +2

    "Contains bi-products from sugar production"

    Prefer my sugar straight.

  • +1

    Probably not the best potting mix when it says on the front of the packet- "for best results apply fertiliser at the time of potting"?

    • +2

      it is just el cheapo mix - no added wetting agents, slow release fert, etc - not meant to comply to australian standards

      would be good for mixing into an existing garden bed with dirt and compost/manure

  • +1

    Always wonder why is in Ltrs and not in Kgs

    • +5

      because these sort of garden products are sold by volume as that allows people to calc coverage area and depth

      also too much trouble to weigh as the moisture content and mixture varies

      and the volume number is bigger than the weight number (22 vs 11) :D

  • +4

    Cheapo potting mix is false economy. Especially if you reply on it to say grow some food, or to sustain expensive plants. This will have very little nutrients in it, and will mostly be some sort of 'bark' or by product without the necessary good additives such as various fertilisers. And, if it doesn't have the Aussie Standards vertical ticks it really is carp.

  • +1

    bought 10 thanks OP

  • Still trust my good old Baileys..like some comments, if it doesn't have slow release fert..it's bad for your plants

    • This deal has expired!! Shame they only had it in for a few days I thought it was regular so didn’t stock up only got a few bags. Yes it was much better not as much woodchip and more of a soil type consistency rather than straight out mulch in a bag.

  • +1


    Not sure where you are looking but a check just now shows they are both stil! $2!

    Potting Mix
    Pine Bark

    • Might be online but at my local sold out in one day and didn't get them back. Asked lady and she said nope not getting them again…

      • Ok. That's odd.. Guess they don't care anymore as they are back to having monopoly since masters is going, going, GONE…

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