Just wondering if its the same for you? I was getting monopoly tickets as from yesterday but they stopped it with the frozen drink range as from Today with my local McDonalds.
McDonald's Stop Giving out Monopoly Tickets for Frozen Drinks

Last edited 13/10/2016 - 14:09 by 1 other user
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Yeah for the last three Weeks I've been going for the frozen cokes and Mcspiders, I thought this was happening every McDonalds in Australia, have they been giving the clear cups instead like what HJs do or just the normal white cups?
Since they started this year all the mcdonalds close to me have been doing clear cups so no tickets
Promotion ends in 5 days anyway. They've been doing clear cups at all my local ones for months now.
A tiny bit late for me, I say!
Usually they set aside the normal large white cups for the frozen coke orders because they know its not part of the monopoly promo, the stores that did give you frozen coke/spiders in the monopoly promo large cups just means you got lucky and they were forgetful or lazy.
anyone won anything yet? I got a free big Mac and free small fries that's about it.!
I got a free day out… Which might mean some paintball.
Best prize is a McChicken and far too many Sea Life passes :(
Pissed off that McDonald's are only using the clear cups just not give us the tickets.
I won diabetes every time…
Had Maccas over the weekend, back to normal cups and chip packets in my area. Got quite a few tickets, didn't win anything of much substance though. A couple of sports and an attraction from memory, had better luck last year with chips, sundaes etc.
So far, since got about 30 odd chance cards, McChicken, Cheese Burger, Hot Drink, Sundaes, fries, 2 x smoothes, 1 free day out, 2 free music downloads, 2 x Macarons and free 2 months free the free day out is good because you can go to places which can cost you up to $20 to $30 dollars on a single entry.
Man.. surprised they still let you.. last year i bought heaps of frozen drinks, racked up so many free sundaes and stuff.. then one day.. they started giving me plastic cups.. =(
Never questioned it.. then realised, probably making a loss.. if you think about it.. the smallest win is fries which costs about a dollar.. they probably make close to nothing on those frozen cokes too.. so.. it is already a loss..If anything, the title should be stop introducing this chance crap.. man.. Other day had.. 15-20 chances from a big meal.. 10 of them were chance =_=
I cbb doing the app…I wouldn’t be rats or could not be bothered with the app also. Might as well wait.
according to the t & c, only the drinks you get from that soft drink machine gives you tickets (eg: liquid soft drinks, orange juice and the ice tea)
:O Since when did mcD started serving ice tea?!
Best I have is a 2 for one on a CYT burger, otherwise a few free sausage mcmuffins and mcchickens. Annoyingly the more expensive Frappes that I have developed an unhealthy love for don't come with the tickets, only the cheaper softdrinks ;(
I've won a couple of Frappes with the instant win cards.
According to the website for the promotion, it never included frozen drinks.
https://maccasplay.com.au/ , about halfway down the page. Looks like you only have until midnight tomorrow to score more tickets though
okay then, wat about this domain for other prizes, non-food, as to win a larger prize.late still , by my watch.
Is near the end allowed ?
most maccas haven't been doing it from the start of the promo.
seems you have got lucky until now.