This was posted 8 years 4 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

1/2 Price: Sanitarium Vegie Delights Frozen Range $3.24 - $3.99 @ Coles


Starts today, less than half price on the whole Sanitarium Vegie Delights frozen range 280g-340g. They haven't been this price since last years deal.

'Classic Not Burger' and 'Smokey Barbeque Burger' are always good options. Browse the full range in the main link or individual links are below:

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closed Comments

    • +4

      Ignorant and un-informed belong to the same sentence though.

  • Anyone tried these? Would be interested to give them a go.

    • +2

      as a meat eater who is domiciled with a vego I have reluctantly tried a few.
      They range from 'below par' to 'par' to 'above expectations' depending on which one you buy (I've had about half of the above list)
      At half price they are well worth buying (if you are vego)

      • Thanks.

        Which ones are "Above expectations"?

        • +3

          Vegan here (I used to live on chicken and bacon with no fruits or veggies). The chick'n tenders are pretty good (only at Coles), and the Thai chilli and lime cakes are decent when cooked properly. I now get my mock meats at IGA who stock the Gardein and Tofurky range - bloody expensive, but worth it for people who like the texture of meat but want to live cruelty free.

      • I agree they're hit and miss, but since they're normally $6-$7 I can't remember which ones are rubbish and which ones are not bad. The sausages are the bean type sausages rather than the seitan rubbery type ones so they do not have the chewy sausage feeling.

      • Would like to know what is above par too

    • +12

      I've tried quite a few of them, not a vegetarian but thought they were mostly pretty good.

      The ones we get the most were 'Chickpea & Red Lentil Kofta', cooked a whole heap them kept them in the fridge as fillers in wraps for lunch - they were very nice. If you are after a meaty type taste the 'Smokey BBQ Burger' is a good option, 'Classic Not Burger' is good and a popular one also. The 'Tender Crumbed Meat Free Schnitzels' was okay but mostly crumbs, wouldn't get those again. Lentil patties were okay (vegetarians might like those more), I preferred the burgers and koftas.

  • +3

    I am a Vego and I like the "Not Burger" and "Schnitzels" this is a great price so I will be stocking up. I have not tried many of the range here but I will give them a go. I use the patties just like I was cooking a burger and with the schnitzel I cannot tell the difference from what I remember of the taste.

    • Those 2 are also my faves. The sausages and lentil patties are also good.

      Unfortunately I have very limited freezer space or I would be going to town on this deal.

  • +5

    "Vegie Delights - Frozen Gluten Free Indian Cutlet".
    Are these free-range indians that the cutlets are being taken from?

      • -2


      • -1

        I didn't make a joke about indians, that's what the text says.
        And although not born in India I am a mix of Darvidian and Aryan stock (which are the predominant racial genotypes in the Indian sub-continent) so if it's OK for African-Americans to make nigger jokes then it's OK for me as an "indian" to make Indian jokes.
        Although I haven't.

        • aryan

        • @spawnpoint:
          Yes. Look it up. Aryans were not the blonde haired tall people that Hitler told people about. They were a short pale nomadic people who invaded northern india a few thousand years ago.

        • @coldturkey: Lol still believing the Aryan invasion theory even though it has been debunked numerous times the world over? That too, coming from a supposed Indian? Yes. Look it up.

        • -1

          How did what African Americans think/do/say become the gold standard of what is racist and what isn't.

      • -2

        This is what a terrible (and somewhat racist) joke looks like.

        Sigh, more faux outrage. Ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf?

  • +1

    The Roast they do used to be very good, but then they got rid of the mint glaze that came with it (apparently due to 'customer demand' ??), so now it's really plain.

    • I wrote in as well and they gave me that line about the glaze too. Such a shame as the veggie roast is one of my favourite meals.

    • My mum makes a dope cranberry glaze to put on mine at Christmas, and it poops all over the mint one. Even just cranberry sauce would work well.

  • -4

    I'm sorry but these frozen sausages and patties are just plain rubbish. Would rather spend 5mins making a salad than these things. If this is your choice not to eat meat learn to cook!

    • no idea why you were negged for this.

    • Sadly, you're right. When I worked in Canada, I feasted on Yves. When I returned to Australia, I wrote to Sanitarium asking them to try those and replicate them or buy recipe. Sanitarium replied that there was no demand. Hence, we're stuck with their legacy recipes.

  • +1

    I tried the Savoury mince (not listed above) the other day (with tacos) and even with the sauce, it was pretty ordinary.

  • +1

    Lime cake taste amazing when you use sandwich press to prepare.

  • +1

    That was a year ago? I really need to clean out my freezer…

  • The lentil patties say gluten free on the box, but the ingredients say that they contain wheat gluten

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