Fill in the form to get a free Skin Basics sample, either a Face & Body wash or a Sorbolene cream.
Edit: click the subject, you will see the two sample options.
Fill in the form to get a free Skin Basics sample, either a Face & Body wash or a Sorbolene cream.
Edit: click the subject, you will see the two sample options.
So do we just place, "send me samples" in the enquiry section?
or you could put your life story.. seems too trivial for a neg.
That's a contact form. where is the deal?
Click the "subject", you will see the two options.
because its not an advertised free sample i dont think they would expect lots of people asking for free samples.
agreed it's not actually advertised, i'll leave this to the people who really want it. but nice find OP.
Bit confused as to why someone gave it a neg before asking questions! >.<
I guess I could sacrifice free skin samples for less junk mail
the link the the contact use link
do we fill in the "Enquiry*" section like this
"gimme freebies! now"