Enjoy your afternoon even more with the $2 happy hour Golden Gaytime Krusher.
Available between 2PM and 5PM, at participating stores only, whilst stocks last.
Available nation wide.
Enjoy your afternoon even more with the $2 happy hour Golden Gaytime Krusher.
Available between 2PM and 5PM, at participating stores only, whilst stocks last.
Available nation wide.
Sounds like a golden opportunity for someone else
Crushed it
Sure. Just need to spoon.
Two guys, one cup?
QLD too, or excluded as usual?
QLD too. QLD is almost never excluded from anything
Doh. Went to post that Gaytimes were prohibited in Tasmania up until a few years back but accidentally sent it as a report by mistake. Soz.
I wonder if they are referencing that anal sex age of consent was higher than vaginal till recently in QLD?
Lmao and you would know that?
Username checks out…
Um.. No… Just a simple question given QLD franchise often seems to have different offers to elsewhere, and originally it did not say nationwide.
You guys still have Hot & Spicy, you therefore no longer have any moral high ground. ;)
Should be $2 gay hour
Gappy Hour
Any reviews?
It's good
It's fabulous!
Thanks. Must free up my schedule.
Please don't take my comment as a legitimate endorsement, I've never had one.
Fred Nile, the Pope and the Hillsong crowd have been krushing gay times for decades
Thanks fam, was just about to leave the food court but I think I'll wait 15 for 2 o'clock to come.
I'm at work, is there anyway to find out if the KFC at the shopping centre across the road is a participating store? Don't want to waste my break.
Every store should be doing it, but its proably easier to just phone up the store. Google the stores name for the phone number
wish they didn't stop the brownie krusher :(
Cookies n cream is the family favourite :)
Sigh. Just read the description… Crushed ice, lame. The shopping centre across the road went all fancy a year or two ago, no more Wendy's, no Donut King…. The closest thing you can get to the old school heart destroying thickshakes is Movenpick etc and it's hella expensive…
Its not crushed Ice, its like a thickshake with a milk slushee.
It's liquid ass
So you want a Movenpick style shake for $2? -__-
Gaytime Krushers are delicious at full price and even more so at half price which this is. Don't knock them until you've tried them.
No, I want Wendies Quake Shake for full price.
How convenient, Hurstville food court store Krusher machine isn't working.
Same with the city ones, often too.
$3.95 at Indro Shopping Centre.
Well, there not informed of the promo, just tell them its the button in promo called "Gaytime HH"
What does the HH stand for?
happy hour
Choke down that hot and spicy with some gay time.
Was underwhelmed. Miss Wendies :(
It's always a little awkward asking the cashier for a Golden Gaytime. Worth it though.
They're use to it.
Didn't work at Dickson KFC in Canberra, was told they didn't do it.
Show them the website, it doesnt say any store is not particpiating.
Sugar crap that tastes like ass
Thanks for the opinion!
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I'm quite concerned that you know both the legal age for anal, AND what ass tastes like…
Werribee KFC is strict with timelines, yesterday i was standing in line at 4:57 by the time i was served it was 5 PM and the girl is said it's 5:01 and i have to pay full price for it.
It's strange how stringent some people are when all you're after is a cheap drink. It's not like the extra money is going into their pockets.
The register doesnt let you add the $2 drink when the register time says 5:01 unfournatently. Like it changes the price based on times
Fair enough, thanks for clarifying :)
Last time the $2 Krusher Promo was on, the register wouldnt switch over the price until 5:10PM so OP's experience didnt happen.
@albanyson: It appears on QLD registers that the button in promo for the happy hour is always $2, i.e. it does not switch to the regular $3.95 price. The normal button for krushers though switches to the lower prices between 2pm-5pm. I almost always work night shifts so I dont really have much expreience with when you can purchase one/not purchase, but for @dpk I would have asked to see the mangaer and told them you came to the store before 5PM but spent 5 minutes waiting in the queue and it doesnt seem fair he couldnt have got it
@oscinator1988: "the nomal button for krushers switches" is it just the golden gaytime flavour thats just $2??
@albanyson: Yeah jsut the gaytime which is $2, what I mean is that normally when you add a Krusher you click the krusher button and then it asks you what flavour, and by tapping the gaytime flavour beetween 2 and 5 it changes the price to $2
if thats correct, thats pretty bs. They should have a 10 minutes grace period to account for those variables.
Seriously limited to three hours gay time per day is too little
For me, gay time is all the time! (I'm straight though)
you should feel gay all the time. Life is too short to not feel gay as much as possible :).
Every time I go to a KFC they are understaffed and tell me "oh sorry we aren't doing krushers today", while the kid in the back runs around trying to juggle 5 different fryers.
Your best bet is to send a complaint through there website.
NT store didn't know either, showed them the promo image and they checked their emails and confirmed.
Get them to check their emails :)
Went up to the girl at the counter and asked for it at 2:29 and she and another worker had no idea it existed, gotta love it. Managers trying to keep it on the down-low?
Regardless, it wasn't the best Krusher but filled a spot that only it could. Thanks for the know, op
Yeah, its really has not been marketed much. All stores do have a counter card which does say it, but Im guessing like my store it was chucked in the bin as soon as it arrived.
umm…. lol. Is it a cost thing or is it just down to Krushers being a pain to make?
Krusher machine is a pan in the arse to make/maintain. Its like ordering a frappe or something from McCafe, in terms of preparation. Adding 4-6 unique ingdirents to a cup then mixing it on a milkshake sort of mixer for 30 seconds. Now imagine like our store faces, where people come in ordering 4 gaytime krushers. Thats 2 minutes where they have to spend making these drinks. As well the milk/icecream slushee needs a lot of matience, once it runs out it takes 1.5 hours to refreeze and after a while sitting in the slushee mixer it will start solidfying and drying out.
On another note, are 2 large sides $5, or now $5.95?? I was charged $5.95 for two chips…..
When did they increase in price.
They increased in price the last time they had the national 9pc for 9.95 earlier this year, in april I think.
You might also have noticed the other prices which have increased. (Just for my stores and local stores, some might be + or - these prices)
Upsized meal is now $2.50
Large chips $4.95 (All stores increased by $0.50)
Upsized Chips in combo $1.60
Is the 2 large sides for 5.95 a permanent thing?
Last time I went to Haymarket store, the manager said it isn't a current promo and they can't offer it for that price even though they had a large poster about the deal on the wall.
Yep its a permanent thing. However the poster says only availiable with a family meal. at my store we give it to any one who purchaes something more than $4.95
Yep thats a family meal.
Witht that you should qualify for 2Sides for $5.95 or and Large side for $3.95
Dont quote me! I work in a QLD store owned by a completely different company who seems to do really weird things.
Also, OP, another question for helpful OzB member knowledgeable at KFC…..
In the value feast meal on current voucher, can you swap the 4 dinner rolls? How many do you have to swap to get another large side? Looking at the "the one" box where one dinner roll gets swapped for another side….. ?
Well I'm from a QLD store, which you might know is run by a franchisee who operates differently to the rest of Australia. In our stores we dont allow swapping dinner rolls to anything, as $0.95 roll should not get you another small side. You also cant swap large sides to dinner rolls. If you are curious for your local store as to what you can swap I suggest downloading the KFC Xpress App, and choose a store which has Xpress Enabled, if there are none near you just search for "Sydney" or "Melbourne" as there are numerous stores live in those cities. Once you have a live store add in the Value Feast or whatever and you should be able to see what you can swap.
Who wants to join in on my Gaytime?