Lettuce have some more fruit and vegie deals
Celery - 1 bunch $1
Iceberg Lettuce $1
Gold Sweet Potatos $2.2/kg
Spring Onions - 1 bunch $1
Asparagus Bunch $1
Green Kiwifruit 4 for $1
Lettuce have some more fruit and vegie deals
Celery - 1 bunch $1
Iceberg Lettuce $1
Gold Sweet Potatos $2.2/kg
Spring Onions - 1 bunch $1
Asparagus Bunch $1
Green Kiwifruit 4 for $1
wheres the ACT"?
About 20km South of Yass…
More puzzling than where the ACT for me is:
"Lettuce have some more fruit and vegie deals"
… since when did lettuce branch out into celery, kiwi, leeks, broccoli etc?
Some kind of GM going on here?
What is this??? OzVegan ???
Gold kiwis are better than green, but nice deal.
This is what vegatbles should be normally
Considering how much farmers are getting paid by Supermarkets, this should be normal prices.
Poor Tassie…
In store or online?
wheres the ACT"?