This was posted 8 years 4 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One S 500GB + Battlefield 1 in White or Storm Grey $379.05 Delivered @ Microsoft Store Preorder White 21/10 Storm Grey 1/11

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Great bundle for those not interested in Fifa 17 like myself.
Haven't seen this anywhere else but Microsoft store yet.

White available 21/10/16
Store grey available 1/11/16

1TB Military green also available for $474.05 Available 18/10/16

Credit for the Code goes to tightarse.

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closed Comments

  • Is the code 5% off anything?

  • dead link

    • working fine mate try different browser im using firefox.

      • +2

        Worked as soon as I posted my comment lol

  • +5

    Great deal I got it for same price 2 weeks ago with fifa then sold fifa.

    Xbox one s is alone worth it for forms horizon 3 which is best racing game ever made

    • -3

      GT series :)

      • GT is simulation, FH3 is more arcade-y.
        But I agree that FH3 is the best.

        • Forza horizon 3 is far far better than any GT I played, FYI I'm a Playstation gamer who used to defend GT to death. The graphics in horizon 3 will blow u away on 4k tv and game play is the most fun I've had in a racing game since the old NFS series

        • Nothing about GT is a simulation. Nothing. Project cars and Assetto corsa are sims

        • -1

          @imurgod: Fun fact: the genre is sim racing.
          Regardless of how purist you are, and how much you want to wank over laser scanned tracks and what-not, GT is defined as a racing sim.

        • @theguyrules: wow, are you ok? Getting personal much? Also, you're wrong. It's not defined as a racing sim outside its own company's marketing. It is (and make no mistake about this, son) a simcade at best and forza, as someone else pointed out, far exceeds it in every way. Forza is also simcade.

          Project cars and Assetto corsa are simulators but not only because of laser scanned tracks (in fact, project cars only has a handful of them), they're simulators because of the tyre and handling models which mimic the real life counterparts.

          I hope this helps you distinguish the difference.

          Have a lovely day

        • @imurgod: Well, you're wrong. You can't claim something isn't in the genre just cause you don't like it as much.

        • @theguyrules: I do like it, it's just not a simulation. Nobody considers it a sim. Do you consider Mario kart a sim as well? It's not that different.

        • @Moath: exactly. Only the developers call it a simulator

      • +3

        Forza is so far ahead of GT at this point

        • +3

          Forza horizon 3 is all aussie mate

      • +1

        Yeah I'm another long term PS fan and I have to say that GT is dated and dull nowadays. FH3 is a great arcade racer and Forza 6 is a great simcade racer. Give me project cars though with a proper racing sim rig over them for the ultimate experience though.

        • Dirt Rally and Richard Burns to the grave..nothing else comes close.

        • +1

          Mario Kart ftw

        • @beyondtool: Still playing Richard Burns to this day. And with the graphics update mods and Multiplayer patching it doesn't even feel that dated.

          Dirt is a good helping of arcadey fun.

          I also am playing Assetto Corsa, GT Legends and RFactor2.

          I gave Horizons 3 a go at the EB Expo last weekend. Looks amazing in 4K (Alienware PC, not Xbox). But terribly unrealistic.

        • @Abaddon: I loved the driving model of Assetto Corsa but the game built around it sucks, at least last time I played it did (last year). GT Legends and Rfactor are still good, if getting quite dated these days… We need more games like this!

  • Wondering if I can claim GST .. any clue? I am travelling soon..

    • Yes but you gotta carry the box with ya.

      • Disagree. Brought a laptop and got GST off, didn't need to bring the box at all, just the laptop. But who knows, do they treat game consoles differently? I would assume not.

        • +6

          I think he meant the Xbox not the cardboard box.

        • +1

          Can't tell if you are trolling or not.

        • @MadMaxBargainRoad: Likewise with you, it is a given that to get GST off you need the item with you.

        • @Lord_Sif: Which is exactly what I said; which is also what you disagree with.

    • +1

      that big box wont fit in your carryon

  • Personally don't play console games anymore but gotta up vote for the price. Selling the BF 1 could easily get you under $350.

    • You can get under $300 easily with the Target bundle.

      • Which bundle is this?

        • +1

          It's gone now, it was Lego, Fallout 4 and FIFA bundle.

        • @Where's_That_Cake:

          The same bundle is available again, only it doesn't have Lego included this time. Still the possibility to get it under $300.

  • +1

    I'm wondering if there's any point getting an Xbox one s, with the far-better Scorpio coming out next year?

    My son's really bugging to upgrade his Xbox 360 (he's only 6 years old), and I personally think he'd be better waiting for the Scorpio.

    Any thoughts, points of view?

    • +1

      Well the scorpio is coming out Christmas 2017

      So MS said at the beginning we didn't want to piss off our customers by releasing a console each year

      Hence they showed scorpio with the slim

      If you have a HDR tv then its worth getting the Xbox one S if you're playing Forza Horizon 3 or Gears of War 4
      Also you have the 4K Blu ray feature which pretty much justifies the price

      but in a year the slim will drop in resale price and most likely retail price

    • +1

      Well if you've waited this long to get an Xbox One, you may as well get one now at a great price. The Xbox Scorpio will be much more expensive at launch and you need to wait up to another year for it. At least you know if you get an Xbox One S, all games and accessories will work with Scorpio once you eventually get that console.

    • Scorpio wont be out till sometimes at the end of 2017
      so your son will get about 12 months use out of it.

      Long wait imo.

    • +2

      I have a Xbox one myself so I have less incentive to get the S and I am waiting for Scorpio.

      As with you, I don't think it matters to a 6 years old what Xbox one he has as long as he can play new games on it. So if you are price conscious, I think these Xbox One S deals are attractive as I do think when Scorpio comes out, it will cost quite a bit more.

      Do you play games yourself? If you do then you may have more incentive to wait for Scorpio as you may appreciate the difference.

      I have a 8 years old and a 4 years old myself. Talk about kids having it good these days…

      • Actually, I don't have an HDR or 4k TV: my son plays Minecraft most of the time, and he's too young for most of the games out there.

        Guess I'll wait for a great deal on an Xbox One, and then from there maybe get a Scorpio, next year.

      • aren't many suitable games for 6-8 year olds on these consoles, mostly shooter type games or language they repeat at kids parties. not sure how the coordination is for driver games and it's an expensive way to play minecraft. nintendo have more kids games but bit of dead end console and games don't discount much. maybe get a hacked wii and download the games for free….. you will have change from $100 and controllers are cheap if you have kids party and need 4 controllers.

        even now i have to tell my son" don't use the word kill use the word defeated, mums don't like their kids playing with other,kids who use the word kill or talk about guns too much and shooting"

        • Agree. I only really let my kids play Minecraft and the various Lego games on my Xbox. It's true that a console may be an expensive way to play games (vs playing on a PC that you already own). However, my kids prefer to play co-op and it's just easier playing together on the TV.

          Plus, I'm gamer so I have consoles regardless of whether the kids play them.

        • I think there's enough kid friendly titles. There's things like Lego (with about 200 of those titles), Skylanders, Minecraft etc. Plenty of inoffensive non 'kiddy' titles too like most sports titles, racers etc. Yooka Laylee coming up might be a good platformer for kids to get into and theres other franchises like Sonic that kids can get into.

        • @Siuto: Show them terraria. Kids will love it too. They might have to watch few stampy's videos.

        • @Gaggy: My kids know Stampy well. They've got Terraria as well, but Minecraft is number one. They also love the Rayman series, and have quite a few Kinect games, too.

        • @RichardSydney: He is a star amongst the kids. Stampy has awesome collection for Minecraft and Terraria as these games are endless. Terraria is more magical though :)

    • +1

      not good for 6 year old, too early to get addiction

      • I know what you mean! We had to restrict it to weekends, only, otherwise homework etc never gets done

    • +3

      xbone Scorpio for a 6 year old

      How can a 30 year old man apply to be your son?

    • I doubt a 6 year old needs a Scorpio over an S. They probably won't know or appreciate the difference.

  • Are your kids females or male? :) Do any females under 10 play Xbox one or PS4 these days?

    • 6 year old boy and 10 year old (turning 11 next month) girl. They both love playing it, but my daughter's more into Instagram,, etc.

      • ok thanks. My 5 year old girl plays the nintendo wii (gamecube games) like mario kart double dash, but like yours prefers singing, like sing the app on ios and atv4

  • The site's coming up in plain text for me. Can't see any sign of the storm grey - please can somebody give a dircet link? I can only find the blue and khaki other than white.

  • Note that BF1 is a download code, not the disc version.

    • Yeah sucks it seems all the bundles mostly are download tokens unfortunately.

  • Still waiting for a good BF1 deal :(


  • 500gb is a crock. I only own about 6 games on xbox one, and I don't even have room to install two of them without an external hdd. No media on there taking up space either.

    Honestly they shouldn't even offer less than 1tb.

    • You may want to reword what you just said cause games are not that big to not allow you to install TWO games on a 500gb hard drive.

      • Yeah I thought 250gb a game is HUGE.

      • Oh, yeah, well it won't let me edit now.

    • when 4k games start getting made (ps4 pro, scorpio) base storage should be 2TB imo

    • external drive is good, you can take it to friends house and use on their console and if a downloaded game and no disk eg free from gold, if you sign in with your account you can play it. great for parties and sleep overs as you don't want to wait to download 20 gb at a friends house before you can play.

  • So tempted , would get it if it was the deluxe edition of battlefield with the red baron and Laurence of Arabia

  • +1

    Wow, I'm loving the storm grey!

  • +2

    I'm a bit confused as to why this has so many upvotes? Xbox One S 500GB + Battlefield 1 in White or Storm Grey for $379.05? Meanwhile the standard price at JBHIFI for Xbox One S 500GB FIFA 17 Console Bundle is $379…. Am I missing something?

    • +2

      Battlefield 1
      Free Postage
      Battlefield 1

      I'd say those reason cover it.

      • +1

        And the colour too - many don't like a white console sitting among the black/grey boxes under the TV.

        • And Battlefield 1.

        • @Stix:

          And free postage.

  • +1


    I am waiting for this:

  • I was in the Sydney Microsoft store yesterday and the sales guy was quoting me 10% off with a student discount (without even asking me whether I was a student - nb. I'm 45 so that would not be an immediate thought). So might be worth trying to get 10% off in store rather than 5% off online.

  • -1

    Looks like it's back up to 399 now.


    bloody liars how is this a 'jb exclusive' when you can get the exact same deal at the microsoft store?

  • If i'm not mistaken, cashrewards offers 8$ cashback on this 5% storewide deal at MS Store. And it will brings the total cost down to approx $350???
    Edit: Only 2% for Xbox deal :(

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