The Game Brief Tournament Soccer Undies, on sale to celebrate the World Cup.
Most Aussiebum undies sell for $20-30 dollars+, so this is at least half price for ones with so many pretty colours!
The Game Brief Tournament Soccer Undies, on sale to celebrate the World Cup.
Most Aussiebum undies sell for $20-30 dollars+, so this is at least half price for ones with so many pretty colours!
Sorry, I should have stated "new" in the title :P
I have 2 pairs of Aussiebums atm and they the best undies I've ever owned. Thanks for the post
What's so good about them?
The gays love them. And you know how ahead of the ball those guys are. Not suggesting anything about rodpira. I love them tho :P
What ever happened to the good old "7 days in Rio" for $10!?
2 undies at the same time? why is that?
A little camp….
Wow, cool.
yes, we do love 'em… :p
By the way, became an Aussie citizen TODAY!!!!! Over the moon. Took me 7years! Clover Moore shook my hand and said "welcome"… If you ask me right now, I wanna buy the complete stock of AussieBum and any other Aussie branded fashion wear! he he.. But that might be the champagne speaking… lol
In celebration mood. share the love
PS: no, that's not my wife in the avatar pic. It's PingPong from LITTLE BRITAIN.
hehe I wish I was as bouncy as your are right now! :)
Hehe. Congratulations!
Does it include skidmarks ???