This was posted 8 years 5 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free $10 Credit for Gelato Messina - First 500 People


Who doesnt love a free gelato especially when its from Gelato Messina (Syd/Mel/GC)? Just download their app save a card for future payments & click on Claim link on the free $10 credit offer in the app. Make sure u select a store (for the offer to activate). Although you may use it anywhere you want. Hurry as its limited only to first 500 people doing all the above I just mentioned. Happy Ice Creaming :)

Oh BTW, the credit expires in 1 month.

iOS Beware, the App has issues with the iPhone 4S screen size.

Mod: Note that the app will debit your card $1 for a pre-auth validity check, it won't be charged as such according to comments.

Related Stores

Gelato Messina
Gelato Messina

closed Comments

  • +1

    It's a shame that they don't have store in Melbourne CBD :(

    • Make your way to the one in Fitzroy by tram/bike/bus. Worth it.

    • There's a store on Swan St, Richmond & down in Windsor as well :)

  • still working on android

  • Thanks OP, just redeemed!

  • Thanks OP! great deal

  • Thanks OP. Great find.

  • Using htc m8, the app crashes before it installs.

    • Hey, Can you send me a quick email at [email protected] so I can see if I can debug & get this sorted out for you?


  • I'm stuck on the "confirm your details" page. I can put in my email, dob & mobile #, but can't scroll down or move the number pad. Is this the page asking for CC or PayPal details?

    Any ideas on how to submit the details? I'm using an iPhone 4s.


    • Perhaps take a look at my comment above

      • I haven't gotten far enough through the process to actually add a payment even though I selected Payment from the app menu. I just went through the whole process on my husband's Android and have claimed the $10 credit. The Android keyboard has a "next" arrow to move along to each next step.

        The Apple keyboard has no "next" button/keypad entry to select the next step after the mobile number.

        All good now that the family has an app credit. :)

    • Hey, This is now a known issue that our team will look to resolve and issue an app update for!

      Feel free to send me an email [email protected] if you have any other issues.


      • Thanks BC! We appreciate the offer, help and attention. :)

  • Excellent, thanks so much OP!

  • did anyone else get charged $1 ASTON CLUB ??

    • +1

      It's just an authorisation. It'll go away.

    • Hey,

      I can assure you it's not a charge, just a validity check. To verify the validity of the card a $1 pre-auth is applied when a payment method is first added. This will appear as a 'pending authorisation' but is not a charge and will never become a charge. It it automatically reversed by the card provider/customer's bank within a day or so.

      Feel free to send me an email [email protected] if you have any other issues or questions?


      • +3

        Why such a large pre-auth? Why not just make it $0.01? A dollar is like half of my life-savings and I won't have access to it for a week. This isn't OzTycoon!

        (P.S. semi-joking).

        • +1

          We're exploring ways to reduce it down to $0.01, some card providers actually support $0 pre-auths, but it's what we have at the moment. I'd need to confirm with our Engineering team but I recall that at the original time of implementation $1 was the minimum supported by our gateway.

          Anyway, I can assure you I'd love get it down to a smallest amount as possible & as soon as we can it will be implemented.

          Feel free to send me an email [email protected] if you have any other issues or questions?


        • @bjcolley: Thanks for the reply. I could be wrong but I believe the modern $0 pre-auths end up costing the merchant 2.5 cents or so for the privilege.

      • -4

        Wtf is this? I never authorised that.

        Besides the fact this is scammy as (profanity) to debit people's cards without their permission, why is it $1 and not $0.01?

        • +1

          Thanks for the honest feedback!

          I've briefly explained the value of the pre-auth above and I'll be bringing it back up with my team about options for decreasing the amount; as I am sure you can appreciate we do always have a number of people trying to game the app, and redeem more than their fair share, so we do have to perform some checks.

          I'll also discuss how we can make it clearer to users that the authorisation - the last thing I want is customers and users like yourself be pissed off in anyway.

          Feel free to send me an email [email protected] or your can even email me personally ([email protected]) if you have any other issues or questions?

          Finally though, I just want to clarify the $1 isn't a charge, and will never become a charge. It will appear as 'pending' or as a 'authorisation' and will be reversed by your card provider/bank/


  • Assuming a handful of non-OzBargainers know of this deal and 1 in 7 link clickers follow through with the card verification you'd think the deal would be expired by now (since this is OzBargain the people coming home from work would be complaining about…now).

    I call a bluff.

    • Still some more credits available :) We've extended the limit - as soon as its reached the promotion card will disappear from with the app.

      Feel free to send me an email [email protected] if you have any other issues or questions?


    • +1

      Hey - I've just left a comment on your previous post but I'll post below as well:

      Thanks for the honest feedback!

      I've briefly explained the value of the pre-auth above and I'll be bringing it back up with my team about options for decreasing the amount; as I am sure you can appreciate we do always have a number of people trying to game the app, and redeem more than their fair share, so we do have to perform some checks.

      I'll also discuss how we can make it clearer to users that the authorisation - the last thing I want is customers and users like yourself be pissed off in anyway.

      Feel free to send me an email [email protected] or your can even email me personally ([email protected]) if you have any other issues or questions?

      Finally though, I just want to clarify the $1 isn't a charge, and will never become a charge. It will appear as 'pending' or as a 'authorisation' and will be reversed by your card provider/bank/


        • +9

          Small authorisation checks are extremely common. It's not a scam, chill.

  • Inb4 PayPal claims for dodgy card auth

  • still working just used paypal

  • Does it still work with CC?

  • Does this still work?
    I can see the card but the claim button is greyed out and I can't press it

    • Having same problem too.
      Friend managed to get it 5 mins ago T.T

      • I just did it 2mins ago, worked ok on android using paypal.

    • Hey! If you're still having issues redeeming your credit shoot me an email, [email protected] and we'll see if we can get your issue worked out!


      • Hi Ben, I sent you an email a few days ago regarding this - I had difficulties signing up - got stuck at the personal details page and couldn't proceed further. Just wondering how I should go about it. Thanks

  • Oh wow thanks guys, I've never tried Gelato Messina so looking forward to trying it. Also just as an FYI I've wanted to try your ice creams, but your locations aren't maybe totally the best for me. Maybe just as a suggestion you could open a little shop in the city or something or maybe on the Lygon St restaurant strip. Thanks so much though, can't wait to try them!

  • +1

    Surely after 4000+ clicks on the deal they have reached their 500 customers.

    • One of the reps above said they've extended the limit :)

  • Thanks Op. Got it and now it's time to bring the Mrs out for ice cream so that I can continue buying other deals :p

  • +1

    Yeah I think install app + provide full name, email, date of birth, credit card details (charged) and mobile phone number (verified) are a little too much to ask for a couple scoops of gelato.

    If anyone IRL asked for the same info for some icecream I'd tell them to bugger off - don't see the difference here just because it is online.

    • +1

      don't do it then. no one is making you !

      • +1

        I didn't. Just funny how everyone completely loses their minds about sensible privacy precautions when some random freebie is involved.

        • +1

          It's not that big of a deal, especially if you've wanted to pay with card at GM for ages and they're finally allowing you to do so (albeit it, in an app). But I'all be using it regularly so it's great to get a credit for something I would've done anyway.

        • +1


          Pretty bizarre you couldn't pay with card before actually. Tap and go, like 99% of other stores.

        • @gringo: pretty sure they are getting the eftpos machines for all stores shortly. there are already machines in some. cash was from when it was the faster option but they have recognised card now faster and are transitioning (slowly)

        • @chocfrogs456:

          It's to avoid tax who are we kidding

  • Thanks. Still works when I installed on android

  • just used paypal and got the $10 credit, score.

  • Trying to repeatedly press "claim" on the button caused the app to crash. This was an absolute POS android device (a freebie "vodafone VF695 smart first 6 phone"). Sent a bug report. Then it looked like it worked, so hopefully I still get the credit at the store :-)

  • I got 10 pounds too. how does the redeeming work in this case?

  • You guys! I went to circular Quay to try to redeem today and their "App wasn't working" and I had to pay full freight. BEWARE!!

    • Lol

      • Not LOL! I am sooooo upset. Now I have to go again!

    • That's really frustrating to hear the store said that! Could you shoot me a quick email, [email protected], so I could get some more information and sort this out!

      As I'm sure you can appreciate some of the stores have been pretty swamped and because it is so new, some of the staff have not been completely comfortable in how to proceed if they encounter any issues. We're working hard to make sure all staff are trained & of-course we're working hard to improve the app in all regards, all the time.


  • +1

    Wonder if it can be used at their store at the Sydney night noodle market.

    • Hmm.. Interesting thought. I dont think they would be carrying all the equipment with them there though.

      • +1

        Hi, Unfortunately Night Noodle Market won't be able to accept 'Mobile Payments' however this will something we'll look at adding in the future for all future Messina events. A full list of stores accepting the Messina app is available in the app.


        • Hi Ben, this is OP. Can you please suggest if the promotion has expired? So, I would go ahead and marked the same for the deal here.

  • I signed up with email & add payment method. Now I am not able to login. Emailed to support but they are not helping me. I will loose $10.

  • I take it the offer is over/exhausted now? Don't really want to give my credit card details out via an app for nothing.

    • Paypal is an option

  • Redeemed mine. Dude in parra store was grumpy asf once he knew I was using a $10 voucher 😂

    • How did he know you're using the $10 credit rather than simply paying through the app to earn points?

  • +1

    Went to Newtown Messina's at 4:30pm. Ordered 1 scoop, $4.80.

    Went home and then about an hour later (5:30pm) saw a new email saying I had just purchased $12.80 for a 0.5L tub of gelato.

    I'm guessing somehow the staff member at Messina accidentally charged the 0.5L tub of gelato to my account. No idea how they were still able to even though i had left the store an hour ago and clicked "left store" on the app.

    I've emailed [email protected] and hopefully they can figure this out for us.

    Quite annoyed at this and having to now follow this up and waste time doing so, but not suprised given the way the payment system is designed to work in this app.

  • Weird, my app now shows $0 credit when it had $10 on the day this deal was posted :(

    • Did you save the credit for later?

      • Err, didn't see an option to do that at the time. Only read the steps in the deal and did that, not the comments. :/

    • -3

      I used mine then used another sim to get another $10

      Gonna milk this

    • Ok - looks like the app didn't remember my selected store from last week. When I selected the store again, the $10 credit appeared. Problem solved.

  • -1

    How do you actually pay using the $10 credit? At the top it says I have $10 credit but no idea how to pay using the credit. There is nothing in "Saved Offers" even though I saved it.

  • +1

    I used PayPal in the app, and bought a $16 misto (5 single scoop servings) from Messina, so got charged $6 after $10 credit applied. $6 appears in the list of PayPal transactions, from Aston Club Pty Ltd. Which is all good, no problems.

    Then separately from this, I got a PayPal warning about "suspicious activities" after logging into PayPal, saying there was a recent login from another country (the UK) at the very end of September. Since I've not been to the UK in 7 years, I want to lock down the login and make sure only things I wish to continue using are authorized to debit my PayPal account.

    So now I want to remove that authorization to debit my PayPal account for Aston Club Pty Ltd. How do I do this? They are not listed in the list of pre-approved payments (under settings -> payments -> manage payments). Where is the app's permission to debit my PayPal account stored, and how do I revoke it?

    Sorry, answering my own question: It's under settings -> payments -> "see connected sellers". Got it, please disregard the above. BTW, it's a rather worrying collection of things that I mostly don't recognize.

  • Seems like this is over? Not working for me.

    • -1

      Correct. Went in with wife on Sunday. We both got a double scoop. Whipped out the app which clearly said $10 credit on it. Then got told there are no more $10 credits available even thousgh my app says it had one.

      Promptly returned my ice cream although my wife bought hers. I do not think I'll be back at Messina based on this experience.

      • +2

        if you've saved it onto your app, it should be yours to use until it expires. Did you try paying for your wife's ice cream with your app anyway to see if you could still use the $10 credit?

        Could the staff be saying that you can't get the $10 credit anymore? (I noticed there was a sign about getting $10 credit from the app at the store when I went in Saturday night)

      • Yea as love a bargain said, I would assume if you've already saved it then the credit is available to you. I'm saying that I'm unable to save it the $10 credit.

        In hindsight, I'm surprised this even lasted so long.

      • +1

        Sounds like you had no idea how to use the app. Did you try to buy through the app and tell the employee the number?

        Methinks neither you nor the employee knew how to use your existing credit. The employee would be correct in that if you don't see $10 credit in your account, there are no more credits available to new people (those who haven't signed up yet).

        • In my case I showed the girl the app with the $10 credit and she still insisted that all the credits were used up. That was when I gave up and returned my ice cream. This was the Richmond, Melbourne.

          From other comments here, some people think that if you see the $10 credit on your iPhone app then you can redeem it regardless if what the staff says. I might try again one day and see. Too bad it is such a cold and wet weekend right now.

  • +1

    What a waste of time we went to the Richmond shop yesterday. I show the girl at the counter my credit and asked can I use this. She said that deal is for first 20,000 people and its first come first serve. I am sorry you can't claim it now as the first 20,000 people have already claim the offer. There is issue with the app that it does not reflect on the app and credit remains on it. So I asked so this $10 is no use she said there is a problem with the app.
    we got out of the store and will never ever step in again why have a promotion and do not update the app telling customers its not accepted. technically if I have credit in their app I should be able to claim it but I was not in a mood to fight for $10.
    I hate these things with promotion as we never ask them to promote or ask the business for free stuff they do but at the end we look like we are there for free food. if they promote then they should honour it if its in the app then everyone is entitle for the promotion. what is your experience ?

    • +2

      man I hate stingy business

    • Sorry to hear about your experience, how frustrating!

      I called them up before dropping in today to confirm they would still honour my app credit, which they kept true to their word. Not only that, but if you don't have enough credit on the app, it will automatically deduct the balance from your nominated payment method be it credit card or paypal. This was totally not what the girl at the counter advised the other day when I asked whether I could make part payment with an alternative method, so I think some of the staff might need to be brought up to date.

    • I had the exact same experience as Japan. We must have spoken to the same girl. I just returned my ice cream. Richmond, Melbourne store.

      • contact the head office to complain, because she's giving the wrong information and wasting people's time

  • i was able to redeem the $10 credit yesterday at Darlinghurst no problems… if you pay with the app, the app deducts the $10…

  • So just to confirm as long as you have the $10 credit in your app you can still claim it? It's only the girl at Richmond store not accepting?

  • Fail using the app at the Tramsheds in Sydney, it wouldn't load the page with the number they needed to pay with the app, gave an error instead. This was on Saturday 22nd Oct, screenshot of the error captured here: . Data connection was fine (verified by browsing the web) and they said someone else had the same problem earlier that day. Annoying trying to use a payment app that doesn't work.

    • Noooo did you try other stores? Will report back when I go on weekends to try.

    • I redeemed my credit on the same day in Newtown without a problem.

  • +1

    Redeemed the $10 credit at the Circular Quay store (Gateway) for 2 single scoops ($4.80 each). Staff were aware of the deal and were a pleasure to deal with. Thanks OP and GM!

  • +2

    Yep also confirmed working at Circular Quay store. Saw a bunch of people claiming :)

    Only managed to sample a few before just winging it on flavours. Got the 3 scoops on the 1 cone (not recommended as it started melting). Ice cream was great!

  • -1

    I redeemed the credit in the TramShed yesterday and it worked.

  • Logged into the app and voucher is gone? Had not redeemed. Edit: just see it expire after a month- woops.

    • +1

      The voucher was valid for 1 month as mentioned in the deal. That could be the case for you.

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